Digi tacho printout entrys

Hi all

Digi tacho card failed this morning so am doing manual entries. Could someone post a pic of what a correctly filled out one looks like so I can be sure I’m doing it right? Thanks

Hi all

Digi tacho card failed this morning so am doing manual entries. Could someone post a pic of what a correctly filled out one looks like so I can be sure I’m doing it right? Thanks

It isn’t mine. I stole it from commercial drivers .com or someone,

Digi tacho card failed this morning so am doing manual entries. Could someone post a pic of what a correctly filled out one looks like so I can be sure I’m doing it right?

Did the card fail when you inserted it or had you been using it for a while ?

If the card failed when you inserted it you should not be doing manual entries, you should do vehicle printouts at the start and end of shift, you should write on both of these printouts your name or driver card number and sign them.

If the card failed near the end of the shift and you want to do manual entries then I found this for you and it looks about right to me, though personally I would draw horizontal lines to show the start and finish times.

Personally I would probably still do a vehicle printout at the end of the shift and keep it with the manual entries I’d made.

No replies for 3 1/2 hours then 2 within a minute :smiley:

Thanks guys, looks like I did it correctly, just wanted to check as it was the first time.

It failed at the start of the shift. So I did two printouts then. One which I put my name, driver card etc on, and signed, and the other one I filled out and did the manual entries, then I did another printout at the end of the shift.

Just to be safe I thought I’d better cover all bases, now I know for the future.

Thanks for the help.
