Digi Infringements

Hi all

Is there anywhere I can look at with examples of all the infringement codes and what they mean?

Keep getting an infringement flag up on my card every few days but am at a loss as to what I’m doing wrong

The symbols are !and what looks like a door, so ! (Some imagination necessary!)

That is some kind of issue with the card, it’s not a door it’s a card. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

What error code comes up, it will say something like error 50.

Take a look :slight_smile:

The 2 at the bottom are moving the truck without a card in,the ones with the >> are overspeed(exceeding limiter speed for over 60 seconds)the top one i’m not sure of…HTH. :wink:

Bikemonkey is correct. Looking at this:- downloads.tachomaster.net/docs/D … ograph.pdf, it seems that the top warning message relates to the illogical situation of inserting the card before it was last withdrawn! Maybe you transferred from one vehicle to another on that day and the respective tacho clock times were slightly different (the latter vehicle’s clock was slower, hence the system could not “compute” the card having entered before it exited IYKWIM - do you recall?). Dunno if the overspeeds are even an issue in the UK but I wouldn’t want too many to be appearing - just make sure speed is reduced to 90km/h or less with 60 seconds of going over 90km/h, then they won’t be recorded. Driving without a card over minimal distances (probably off road anyway) is insignificant.

Dunno if the overspeeds are even an issue in the UK but I wouldn’t want too many to be appearing…

If it’s a motorway and you don’t go over 60 mph it isn’t an issue at all. I get 3 or 4 a night, 5 nights a week, so there must be hundreds on my card.

I hope it won’t be an issue if you’re doing 64 MPH on the steep downward bits of the A30, especially if you reduce your speed within 60 seconds, not mentioning any names, ■■■■ Tesco lorry overtaking only to immediately brake. :wink: I thought some employers might question this if it was against company policy or if a particular driver was getting overspeeds and they worked in e.g. Norfolk (no motorways) though I can only imagine you’d have to have one hell of a tailwind to get over 90KM/H in your typical truck there.