the other day i was asked to show to my digi card by our freindly police force. I have never been checked before as this was new to me.
They removed my card and put it in a reader the size of an mp3 player and inserted his digi card into slot 2. They then took a print out.
Now i am a bit concerned about an infringment i had last june with realtion to my driving welll over the 4.5 hours Its a long story and i would be scourned upon …but they did not say that i would be taking further action.
Do they down load the info obtained for a later date so i may recieve something in the post or is my infringment gone and lost… I know that it remians on my card as i had not driven for long enough for the info to be over written… Also is the print out that was taken have my infringment on be called later. Or am i woorying to much
i thought the card only held 28 days of info on it
Isn’t that about a month
So if you’re always using it, it will/should be overwritten in about a month.
But …
If you only use it occasionally, maybe driving analogue one week, digi the next, it will take much longer than a month to overwrite itself.
So I think it’s more accurate to say that it hold about 28 days worth of work on it. And of course, I suppose it depends how/the type of work is recorded.
I imagine that if you can manage to do very little stop/start driving, there’ll be less space" used up on the chip than if you’re continually stopping and starting.
Does that make any sense ■■?
A straight four and a half run, 45 minutes break, then another four and a half would take up less space than stopstartstopstartstopsstart all day long.
It will hold at least 28 days worth of information, in reality holds a hell of a lot more than that.
Last year when i was bored in about November wanted to see how far i could go back on my card managed to get over a year, found a days driving from August 2006.
I use my digi card a lot, yeah i do a lot of trunking but also did at least 5 weeks multidrop stop start in that time as well. Musta been well over a few hundred entries on my card.
Did they notice that you’d driven over the allowed hours when they checked the card ?
If the infringement on driver hours was last June and you’ve kept a clean sheet since then, you probably don’t have much to worry about unless you went an excessively long way over driving time, either way I’m afraid all you can really do is wait and see.
As Kenny1975 said the driver card will hold much more than 28 days worth of data, it was designed to hold a minimum of 28 days of records but will nearly always hold much more, the records on the driver card don’t get overwritten until the card memory is full which can be several months.
If you’re going to be prosecuted for the infringement, you will get a communication by post as to what they want you to do.
It’s not one of the offences that requires a “Notice of Intended Prosecution”, so it’s unlikely you’ll get one of those (although I’m not saying you won’t, some police forces send 'em out anyway, even though the Road Traffic Act doesn’t require it).
When I was a traffic rozzer, I would have wanted to interview the driver under caution to get any incriminating or mitigating circumstances and then put a report through to the process bureau for them to make a decision regarding prosecution.
I know that Road Traffic Act offences go “statute barred” after 6 months from the date of offence (i.e. if you were naughty 6 months ago and you haven’t received any process or the beginnings of any process during the 6 months, then you cannot be prosecuted for that offence). Before you start cheering though, I’m not certain if drivers hours offences are included in this.
I’ll ring an old buddy and find out, 'cos if you were naughty in June, it’ll be barred by now and you’ll have nowt to worry about.
Shrek Dude - While you’re talking to your Old Buddy, would you ask if our driving rules (whatever they’re called these days, EEC Driver’s BlahblahBlah) go “statute barred” too, and after what period if so.
No worries Dambuster, I’m pretty sure that the 6 month thing does apply to the drivers hours rules (in which case you’re both in the clear ) but I’ll double check that.
Interestingly, assault also has a 6 month time limit…so if you need to crack someone, do it, then disappear for 6 months and you can’t be done for it!! (I wouldn’t condone that though!! )
your digi card only holds 28 days but your digi box holds 1 year so you can put your card in it and pick a date in the last year for a long as plod didnt put his card in your digibox he will only have seen one months driving at the most
No worries Dambuster, I’m pretty sure that the 6 month thing does apply to the drivers hours rules (in which case you’re both in the clear ) but I’ll double check that.
I’d be interested to find out the result of your check, because I was always led to believe that you could be prosecuted after a longer time scale that that!
Tacho records have to be kept for 12 months so I thought you could be prosecuted any time during that 12 months ( or longer if you kept discs over 12 months instead of shredding them )
your digi card only holds 28 days but your digi box holds 1 year so you can put your card in it and pick a date in the last year for a long as plod didnt put his card in your digibox he will only have seen one months driving at the most
Does this mean that if the driver was in a different truck when plod got him, the info from last June wouldn’t be there? (i.e. that info would still be in the digibox in the original truck).
I have just scrolled my card back in the head and it has the info back to 3rd oct i was supprised as i use the didgi card all the time
but is that your normal wagon? Ie is the info on the unit or the card, i too was under the impression that the data got overwritten ON THE CARD after approx 28 days of normal driving however if you did more stop start stuff etc it overwrote the card quicker…
but is that your normal wagon? Ie is the info on the unit or the card, i too was under the impression that the data got overwritten ON THE CARD after approx 28 days of normal driving however if you did more stop start stuff etc it overwrote the card quicker…
Yes Steve it was my normal truck but it also showed the trips that i have done on other trucks so i am not sure
your digi card only holds 28 days but your digi box holds 1 year so you can put your card in it and pick a date in the last year for a long as plod didnt put his card in your digibox he will only have seen one months driving at the most
The records on the driver card will not be overwritten until the memory chip is full, it will then start overwriting the oldest data on the card, the last time I checked my card I was able to see the records for over 90 days which was all the time it had been used.
The card is designed to hold a minimum of 28 days worth of records, but the records will continue to be recorded and readable on the card until they’re overwritten when the cards memory is full.
your digi card only holds 28 days but your digi box holds 1 year so you can put your card in it and pick a date in the last year for a long as plod didnt put his card in your digibox he will only have seen one months driving at the most
The filthy swine had better not be trying to put his card in my digibox… I’m not like that.