Digging up OLD threads

Why is the person doing it? Christ some of them are YEARS old.
If you think you are being a ‘rebel’ by churning up the past think again, you are just being a prat.

Can be very interesting reading old threads. :slight_smile:

I think it’s a clear sign Care in the Community doesn’t work.


Can be very interesting reading old threads. :slight_smile:

I agree it is interesting to read old posts but this person is only bringing old threads back.

Old thread subjects occur over and over - it’s no big deal they get repeated at regular intervals.

“Agency ripped me off”
“Stobars did this, stobarts did that”
“What’s the best way to get paid PAYE/SE/Brolly”
“Avoid this firm”
“Jobs being lost”
“saw this today”

etc. etc. ad infinitum.

Perhaps we can have some alternative threads:
“Baking that perfect cake whilst out tramping!”
“TM left me his house in his will”
“Fantastic firm now offering jobs to 1000+new staff”
“Pages over a year old will now be deleted automatically”
“Check out my spaceship! ”
“Growing better mushrooms beneath your bunk pillow”

:grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Old thread subjects occur over and over - it’s no big deal they get repeated at regular intervals.

“Agency ripped me off”
“Stobars did this, stobarts did that”
“What’s the best way to get paid PAYE/SE/Brolly”
“Avoid this firm”
“Jobs being lost”
“saw this today”

etc. etc. ad infinitum.

Perhaps we can have some alternative threads:
“Baking that perfect cake whilst out tramping!”
“TM left me his house in his will”
“Fantastic firm now offering jobs to 1000+new staff”
“Pages over a year old will now be deleted automatically”
“Check out my spaceship! ”
“Growing better mushrooms beneath your bunk pillow”

:grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

That with growing Mushroom is a good one
seen yesterday at Aldi a Box with Mushroom Starter,good for 3 Harvests.
£3.50 or so,a Box 1 Foot by 1 Foot by 1 Foot
Good deal,isnt it?

Maybe they had a question, used the search function, found that the thread didn’t quite answer their question so added to it to ask, rather than creating a new thread to be told “this has been discussed before” and given a link to the old thread they’ve already viewed, and chided for not using the search function?

Some Topics are Evergreen :bulb:

I also like reading some of the old threads.

You can make a fair bit of money growing mushrooms i’d have thought, the magic variety anyway.

You can make a fair bit of money growing mushrooms i’d have thought, the magic variety anyway.

I’d have thought there were enough mushrooms on this forum already… :wink:

gnasty gnome:

You can make a fair bit of money growing mushrooms i’d have thought, the magic variety anyway.

I’d have thought there were enough mushrooms on this forum already… :wink:

you mean, the stuff the mushrooms are fed on :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Maybe they had a question, used the search function, found that the thread didn’t quite answer their question so added to it to ask, rather than creating a new thread to be told “this has been discussed before” and given a link to the old thread they’ve already viewed, and chided for not using the search function?

So instead they’re chided for digging up old threads.
You couldn’t make it up :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I’m not having a go at everyone who finds an old post which is relevant to them. The one I’m talking about is ONLY digging up just about any OLD threads. Just to bring them back from the dead, clogging up the front page.

I’m not having a go at everyone who finds an old post which is relevant to them. The one I’m talking about is ONLY digging up just about any OLD threads. Just to bring them back from the dead, clogging up the front page.

Who or what keeps a thread on the ‘front page’? You, me , posters. By posting on that thread it moves up. If it was a useless, pointless thread nobody would post on it and it would drop back into TNUK Cyberspace.

The posts this guy was dragging back from the dead WERE very old and looked like they had run their natural course. All he was doing was stirring honey with a ■■■■ covered spoon.