Diesel, LNG, electric or hydrogen powered trucks?

The initial idea of green H2 is a good one, but storage issues with it are not being sorted out as well as batteries for EVs, it seems. Early adopters of new tech are always running a bit of a risk.

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Unlike Carryfast, I’m no expert on alternative energies, so I will remain open minded.
One concern though, in Australia we are trialling electric trucks. To date success has been reported on our busiest freight corridor, Sydney Melbourne, with two battery powered, 70 tonne trucks running nightly, each changing batteries halfway.
This may be working brilliantly with two trucks, but there are 2,250 trucks plying this route every night. I seriously doubt the generation and power grid could cope with that.

I don’t know how wind power works in Aus, but I would think there should be scope for solar power farms. There might not be enough for all trucks etc now, but I would expect it to be on the drawing board at least.
They will have some impact on “dead” scrub land, no land is dead, but that effect will hopefully be less than fossil fuels are having everywhere.

So long as we need energy, that energy production will have side effects, better from nuclear or wind or solar than from existing sources.

There is no perfect solution, but carrying on with fossil fuel seems the worst option.