Diesel Dave,help pleae, posting problems

When I write a post and press the submit once only, the emails say I have done it twice ,how do I stop that ?
I have presed it once to submit it .

When I write a post and press the submit once only, the emails say I have done it twice ,how do I stop that ?
I have presed it once to submit it .

You seem to be the only one that has multiple posts. Often there’s a time difference between them, quite a significant one too , making any apparent glitch really odd. I hope you get it sorted soon, or it will mean they won’t make the board.

Which could be a blessing in disguise for some … :wink:


When I write a post and press the submit once only, the emails say I have done it twice ,how do I stop that ?
I have presed it once to submit it .

You seem to be the only one that has multiple posts. Often there’s a time difference between them, quite a significant one too , making any apparent glitch really odd. I hope you get it sorted soon, or it will mean they won’t make the board.

How’s that ^^^^^^^ for a steel fist in a velvet glove? :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

When I write a post and press the submit once only, the emails say I have done it twice ,how do I stop that ?
I have presed it once to submit it .

Hi Tobes,

To tell the truth, I haven’t a clue about how that could be, or whether it’s stoppable.
Maybe it’s pilot error?

In all fairness though Tobes, Mike’s observation about the apparent time difference between your multiple posts is spot-on so it does appear that you’re submitting a post, then waiting a while and then submitting it again.

I’ve noticed that my phone’s touch screen is particularly sensitive, so once I take my fat fingers into account, I tend to wait until I can fire up my lappy in case I ■■■■ something up. :blush: