Dick Snows Astran Pictures

yer and me when i went to italy for him , benny

is this you Mr. Poulton

What about Astran not knowing Barclays cheques not welcome in Arab States? highly unlikely!


but from what I have heard most of it was fabricated to make it sound as if it was something out of the ordinary some time.

It has been mentioned quite a few times in previous posts that the trip was made to illustrate many of the problems that drivers CAN have while doing the job.Some of us never had so many problems in years.Therefore,stripping hubs down in Belgium,skiing in Austria,getting bogged down while negotiating roadworks down the tapline?.Definitely too much for one trip.i can’t think of even a tin pot firm that could only get into Belgium before stripping the hubs down.
To the average viewer,WOW how exciting.To Middle East drivers with even a little experience,YAWN.