
Would it be possible for diary’s to be contained in their own section?
I enjoy reading these and rather than having to keep trawling through the sections would much rather see them in their own spot.

Opinions please.

I voted NO , Lets please
leave it as it is thankyou,

Yes :smiley:
Wouldn’t want to miss any…especially Mike-C’s

Hi Ben9, I couldn’t vote because there isn’t an ‘undecided’ option. :frowning:

I think this will be an interesting discussion though…:grimacing:

My thoughts are that I can see the point of having a ‘diary section’ but that might lead to some people not viewing the rest of the stuff on the other forums.

On the other hand, keeping things as they are means that those who just want to read diaries must waste some time trawling.

I can see both sides of the discussion in a ‘yes / no’ sense, but I’m undecided on the idea.

“Hopefully” when we get the new system set up, regular interesting diarest will be given thier own access to a blog system to post the diaries on there, which will show up on the forums/main page and other transport related websites.

as I said hopefully… :wink: