DHL driver on m1 north yesterday!

In this situation which im sure a lot of drivers here have found themselves in, why should the driver already in lane 2 be bullied into backing off just for the pleasure of ignorant thing with no manners in lane 1 to do as he/she likes?
As has been said its not a race but surelly a little respect/good manners never hurts anyone…
:smiley: Lets hope we have a better week after the long weekend.

You’re right - it’s not a race but sadly that’s how most truckers drive about. In an ideal world :unamused: where everyone used the common sense they were born with, the guy in lane 2 would have seen what was about to happen, eased off and given the the guy in lane 1 the option of a quick “escape route” instead of forcing him to brake to 20mph because of the pleb in the camper.

I think the whole tale is six of one and half a dozen of the other to be honest.

Also - comments along the lines of ‘most DHL drivers can’t get a job anywhere else because they are just too crap’ make me howl with laughter. Though I’m pretty confident I could, I for one certainly wouldn’t want to! Where I live - I am a good £2.50 an hour better off than any other company within a 20 mile radius.

Exactly. People pull their face when I say I work for them, then they reply with “Jeez, I’d never work for them, bunch of tossers, my mate once worked for them blah blah blah…”
I ask have you ever worked for DHL?
“Well no but…”
I switch off.

I don’t have any complaints about my job or DHL, they have always been fine with me. Like you say, all clothing provided FOC, £2.50 an hour better off than anywhere else, £270+ a month shift allowance, my cab phone has rung twice in 8 months, one wrong number and one day-shift driver asking if I had found his glasses in the cab!
Last week I put a holiday request form in and the manager refused because “too many are off that week”. I went upstairs to the MD, had a word with him and he said “You’ve never been late, never phoned in sick, you have never complained about anything, you’ve never refused to do anything we’ve asked, always come in early when we’ve asked, so yes you can have this holiday.”

If you’re ok with them, they are ok with you. I don’t want to go anywhere else either.

I’ve worked at quite a few DHL sites in this area and they have them all, from the most incompetent numpty to the most civilised and knowledgeable gent. From the one where the phone didn’t ring all week to the one where the guy felt if he didn’t keep ringing the phone wouldn’t work.

DHL is as good, and as bad, as most other companies - it just depends at which depot you’re working at.


to assume that all DHL drivers are ignorant is a bit of a misconception.

personally i have never worked for them but i am assuming that as has been posted you get some very good helpful drivers and then you get some terrible ones. some of the places i have been to work have had the same. some very helpful drivers that would go out of thier way to help you and some that wouldnt give you the time of day. it is the same in all walks of life so saying they are all like that is wrong.

Read the road like a true pro!!!

I don’t know what you are trying to say :question: What’s reading the road got to do with flashing my lights:?: :exclamation:

In that case you would know the that flashing someone actually is to alert them you are there and coming through,

It does in France and Italy but to every truck driver in the UK it is accepted as ‘I’m letting you in or out’. With the exception of yourself of course.

Which is probably why he stayed where he was :bulb:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: … And then indicated his intention to pull out when it was too late,; yeh right. :unamused: :confused:

The DHL calling is the old securicor omega express reputation following the company name :laughing:
I worked for DHL years ago when hardly anybody knew who they were and all they did was trunk out of the cargo depot at East mids Airport , the trucks weren’t even yellow . Red and white …

The rep went downhill when SOE joined the ranks :laughing:

It’s a big company that seems to swallow everything up …

There is mongs at every company , al this tarring with the same brush is ignorant and childish…Like most drivers then :laughing:

Its not a problem just with Dhl drivers being unprofessional. Its a general attitude of anyone driving on the roads in this country today. Be it a professional Lgv driver or a car driver. The general standard is appalling. We could all name company names of bad driving incidents we have seen on the roads. I have no idea what the answer is to try and curtail this type of attitude.
I have seen petrol tankers tearing around islands like they are driving sprinter vans for gods sake. Imagine if that was a tanker carrying something like Oleum or Some type of concentrated acid and it rolled and ruptured during a particularly busy part of the day in a built up area. It doesn’t bear thinking about does it really. I just wish everyone would take a bit more time and have a lot more consideration for other road users and yes that does include everyone from bike to artic. I think we should all be placing a lot more emphasis on safety and good driving practice than we do.

Just for the record i never once slated DHL as a company,whatever other people may have said in their posts about them that is their opinion.
I mentioned DHL because as we dont post reg marks and if i had said a yellow truck it could of been anybody. At the end of the day all i want and im sure a lot of others will agree also is for people to think a little before making stupid manouvres. hopefully while you are thinking about the outcome it will be to late for you to make the said stupid manouvre and the other party will be long gone out of your way. :slight_smile:

the dhl driver did not have the right of way,the highway code says keep to the left except when overtaking,ive noticed alot of drivers leave it to the last minute to indicate to come out then its to late and they blame you.ive held back for slower trucks flashed them out and got no response so carried on and next minute you getting dirty looks etc,why ,because they are not reading the road,the same m/way junctions you let em out and they hold in middle lane when you halfway past them,for christ sake i wish drivers would stop using trucks as an extension of their manhood…

the same m/way junctions you let em out and they hold you in the middle lane when you halfway past them,…

Am sure we’ve all ‘enjoyed’ that practise of inept/rude/non-existent road-reading on their behalf. As soon as I realise that I am choking the second lane I’ll back off to ease the flow and politely slot-in behind the miscreant. (…and if I was following I’d notice and appreciate it, but that’s not the point).

Incidentally, pulling out to allow entry was once illegal in East Germany, ie, just after the wall coming down. It was a nightmare to join when ■■■■ staff cars (Merc’s, Beemers, Audi’s, etc) took control of the autobahns… Anyone know if safely pulling-out to assist entry is/remains illegal anywhere?

Its not a problem just with Dhl drivers being unprofessional. Its a general attitude of anyone driving on the roads in this country today. Be it a professional Lgv driver or a car driver. The general standard is appalling. We could all name company names of bad driving incidents we have seen on the roads. I have no idea what the answer is to try and curtail this type of attitude.
I have seen petrol tankers tearing around islands like they are driving sprinter vans for gods sake. Imagine if that was a tanker carrying something like Oleum or Some type of concentrated acid and it rolled and ruptured during a particularly busy part of the day in a built up area. It doesn’t bear thinking about does it really. I just wish everyone would take a bit more time and have a lot more consideration for other road users and yes that does include everyone from bike to artic. I think we should all be placing a lot more emphasis on safety and good driving practice than we do.

That is a good post, and I agree with the comment about fuel tanker drivers. I had one doing exactly the same as the DHL truck, he was obviously in a bigger hurry than me. I let him go but when I came to a steep hill I passed the tanker and he gave me this blank stare. The next thing was he was passing me downhill using the weight of his 44 tonne bomb to intimidate other drivers. So it is not only DHL who have poor driving standards, so do Wincanton.

My mate who delivers aviation fuel said that the Wincanton, Hoyer and DHL petrol drivers are running around the fuel depots to get paperwork and loaded first and back on the road. Watch them at the Dartford tunnel :exclamation:

the dhl driver did not have the right of way,the highway code says keep to the left except when overtaking,ive noticed alot of drivers leave it to the last minute to indicate to come out then its to late and they blame you.ive held back for slower trucks flashed them out and got no response so carried on and next minute you getting dirty looks etc,why ,because they are not reading the road,the same m/way junctions you let em out and they hold in middle lane when you halfway past them,for christ sake i wish drivers would stop using trucks as an extension of their manhood…

Good post. It just goes to prove that what is needed on our motorways are more police patrols, They can then pull these idiots over and ensure that those acting in a dangerous manner are taken off the roads, and re-tested before being allowed back on them. Repet offenders can have their licences revoked permanently.

People will only behave on the road if they know that they are likely to suffer the legal consequences of behaving like a prat. As professional drivers we will only ever get respect, if the idiots among us are removed from the roads.


let em out and they hold in middle lane

As professional drivers we will only ever get respect, if the idiots among us are removed from the roads.

Ken…i thought there is a unwritten rule that…if the drive axle is past the vehicle thats being overtaken, then said vehicle must back off and let in the “faster” vehicle? It makes sense too.

And Ragnarok… lol Respect? You’re right, only the idiots among us have given us the name we got!

people coming down a slip road are joining a road already being used,so if you pull out and someone hits you forget the idea of ,you ran in the back of me,of course if you can let them out then do so,but to many drivers get it wrong and think they can barge in and that goes for all vehicles.surely if you let a truck out onto the m/way they should let you past?? after all you have given them some thought by moving over,look at the trucks we drive today if you back off within a couple of minutes you soon pick up was quoted the dhl driver may be a temp,be careful here,i have been driving 29 years,all over the uk and europe,i now do agency work.why you may ask? its simple,ive got my life back,more free time and still earning decent money.ive had enough of sitting in queues,ferry,train strikes,ect…its time you cant make up,so there you have it so before you slag agency drivers off sus them out 1st,youll soon know whos been around and who hasnt,have a chat with the driver sitting quietly waiting for his load its possible you may learn something…

Highway Code rule 168:

Being overtaken. If a driver is trying to overtake you, maintain a steady course and speed, slowing down if necessary to let the vehicle pass. Never obstruct drivers who wish to pass. Speeding up or driving unpredictably while someone is overtaking you is dangerous. Drop back to maintain a two-second gap if someone overtakes and pulls into the gap in front of you.

Name and Shame them on here, you can also see if there are any more “complaints” against that reg!