DHL driver on m1 north yesterday!

I don’t get upset when driving it is unprofessional. :wink:

I don’t get into confrontations either.

But if you want one… hey I don’t mind,… but I would rather sink a few beers have a laugh take the ■■■■ and be friends FFS read my post again!!!

And,… I have the sunken knuckle along with scar, where his tooth was buried alongside, so no ■■■■■■■■ my friend!

This guy was in a rush then not in a rush thought he would stop for a ruck fancied is chances, LOST. I didn’t stop for a fight, I wasn’t being macho, I had a tanker with a flammable load, I pulled on the hard shoulder to get out of the situation he pulled in front. As far as I was concerned there was only one thing on his mind so I got mine in first like anybody else would.

The frightening thing about reading these kind of threads is that we as HGV drivers are supposed to be professionals. It is so sad that despite the extra training and having to gain an extra licence entitlement, there are still morons driving trucks.

I am not making reference to anybody who has posted in this particular thread, this is simply a general point.

When I was younger, I am 45 now, I used to get peeved with morons on the road, but now I find it a lot less stressful to try and detatch myself from getting infuriated.

What would help is more police on the roads and more rigs being pulled if they are driving dangerously or in an inconsiderate manner. The sanction of a re-test for dangerous idiots, or a complete ban might concentrate the mind effectively.

Just one other point … jumping out of vehicles to confront somebody is a dangerous game these days, you never know who might have a gun or a knife or christ-knows-what about their person.

When all is said and done, a job is a job and the idea is to do it and get home to your family safely.

The frightening thing about reading these kind of threads is that we as HGV drivers are supposed to be professionals. It is so sad that despite the extra training and having to gain an extra licence entitlement, there are still morons driving trucks.

Not trying to be a smart-arse but did it take this thread for you to realise that? Half an hour on the M4/5/6/whatever during the daytime should be all you need. Personally i think that careful, considerate truck drivers are very much in the minority now and you really dont have to think too hard to realise why the public has such a low opinion of us. Come to think of it, it is an opinion i share - your average truck driver is an inconsiderate muppet IMO although there are still some ‘gentlemen’ drivers out there. That from a HGV1 driver for 17 years, and it saddens me to say it.

Nice post ragnorak, and i totally agreed with your principles.
I learnt quiet quickly in this job that it just aint worth getting that wound up.
Ive done my time driving along wound up for hours cos some knob head wants to ruin my night.
The world is full of knob heads with little or no concideration for other drivers no matter what you drive.
Dont get me wrong…im partial to the odd blast on the horn or two finger salute but i let it go pretty quick and get back to the music…it just aint worth the blood pressure.

DHL051CS doesn’t matter, that is just the trailer number. They are not stuck to one particular depot, they are all over the country, all the time, I have pulled 051 a few times.
One thing you don’t mention, was the driver wearing a DHL uniform, yellow and red■■? Could have been an agency driver just in for the day.
PM me the reg of the unit and I will tell you which depot it was from. Also if I know which driver it was, we can start winding him up because he will wonder how the hell we knew about the incident!!

M1 Northbound between J30 and 31, I’d say not one of ours on Trafford Park. The main DHL hub is in Coalville, a couple of miles from Junc22. All our Manchester drivers go M6 A50.

The driver you came across olz69 would have left Coalville hub, maybe on the Newcastle run at that time and place.

Was the DHL driver indicating? before you crept up along side him.
if he was then you was in the wrong. “The vehicle in front has the right of way”.
if you had the speed to get past him why didn’t you push him into the services then deck him? :wink: :laughing:

No. i’ve had a better idea. we can set up an ambush at llymn i’ll be left cut off you can be right cut off. the rest of the trucknetuk users can be the fire team.
I need two volunteers.
you, you and you. your the searchers.
we’ll rendevous at high noon tuesday llymn truckstop.
I’ll be the one in NBC kit. :laughing:

And people wonder why the Driver Cpc card is on it’s way and periodic training over 5 year periods.

Next it will be anger management courses…

Stress anyone ?

:open_mouth: :open_mouth:

26 years an Lgv Trainer:
And people wonder why the Driver Cpc card is on it’s way and periodic training over 5 year periods.

Next it will be anger management courses…

Stress anyone ?

:open_mouth: :open_mouth:

It certainly gets no better. We live in a Me Me Me society and (Appropriate word that I’m no allowed to use) every one else.
It always amazes me, when I’m about to pass something, see they’re catching something slow up, so ease back to let them out, the look of amazement I get. It must be the tipper on the back of me :laughing: .
I try and keep the stress levels down, and am probably better in the wagon than the car.The thing is, with all the extra training everyone’s supposed to be getting I find the standard of modern driving is getting worse, and it’s only Courtesy Courtesy Courtesy. We’re all road users at the end of the day. From the humble cyclist to biggest trucker.
Rant over :blush:

When I was younger, I am 45 now, I used to get peeved with morons on the road, but now I find it a lot less stressful to try and detatch myself from getting infuriated.

Touche. I just can’t be bothered. Much easier on my day to let them get on with proving they are a better driver than me.


. We’re all road users at the end of the day. From the humble cyclist to biggest trucker.
Rant over :blush:

here here, get that man a drink

It ain’t worth it … I used to lose my rag and I have a real bad temper …
Given up now , just stop out the way …
Let them get on with it .


. We’re all road users at the end of the day. From the humble cyclist to biggest trucker.
Rant over :blush:

here here, get that man a drink

Cheers! I’ll have a John Smiths Smooth :slight_smile:

26 years an Lgv Trainer:
And people wonder why the Driver Cpc card is on it’s way and periodic training over 5 year periods.

Next it will be anger management courses…

Stress anyone ?

:open_mouth: :open_mouth:

And the Driver CPC will make a difference to this type of occurance, how :question: :question:

Just to let you all know, i am the the City Link Driver that lets everyone past on the M6 between J2 and J14 Mon to Fri between 0100 hrs to 0230 and its a peice of ■■■■. If i see you are a tad quicker than me i knock a couple of clicks of the cruise, let you past, press resume and its happy days. Coming back is even better because i can listen to Alex Leicester aswell.

Im more chilled out than a polar Bear.

Give us a honk when your passing.


Other occasions I’ve been reading the road. I can see that truck in nearside lane is approaching vehicle in front and needs to pull out, so have give them a flash. (No not my ■■■■). But no response. So I hang back a bit longer and flash again. Still nothing.

So you progress on. When you’re level with the side of their cab they indicate. :question: :unamused: :imp: Tuff [zb] mate it ain’t happening, I give you ample time to maneuver and you didn’t!!

And… another war breaks out…bring it on; I love 'em :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Even if I broke my hand on some [ZB]s head. :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

Language edit :unamused: mm

Read the road like a true pro!!! In that case you would know the that flashing someone actually is to alert them you are there and coming through, Which is probably why he stayed where he was :bulb:

kids :laughing:

Was the DHL driver indicating? before you crept up along side him.
if he was then you was in the wrong. “The vehicle in front has the right of way”.
if you had the speed to get past him why didn’t you push him into the services then deck him? :wink: :laughing::

I was sat at the back end of his trailer for a while in case he wanted to overtake as he seemed to be catching up with him, , he never made any move/indication he wanted to overtake so i carried on about my business.
Im now nearly level with the headboard of his trailer and he decides to indicate to overtake and im thinking sorry mate you seen me here im gonna carry on now.
At this point he decides to pull out into lane 2 so i sat my ground and blasted the horn as he had pushed my mirrors in. I couldn`t go to lane 3 (illegal and other vehicles there)and he had to move back in giving me the one finger salute as he pulled back in. Im thinking then ok its my fault is it??

As i said in orig post i waited to see if this guy wanted to move out or if he was going to sit in behind vehicle in front. how long has one gotta wait for
drivers like this? i dont know if the guy in front of him had slowed down unexpectedley (spelling) :blush: but he(guy in front) surely got away quick enough afterwards. This orig post was the start of a very bad day for me so maybe i shouldn`t of bothered putting up on here but it seemed to me a lot of drivers post on here about how their day has been.
The next part of my bad day involved Netto in Pontefract but thats another story and im sure any drivers who go there will know where inm coming from!!!

One thing you don’t mention, was the driver wearing a DHL uniform, yellow and red■■? Could have been an agency driver just in for the day.

Even the uniform not being yellow and red doesn’t prove anything I’m afraid. I have it but don’t wear it. We have a new dark blue uniform. Fleeces, jackets, polo shirts, rugby shirts and combat trousers in dark blue with the DHL logo in yellow.

It is such a huge company. You would be amazed at the amount of vehicles they operate - many are in the customer’s livery. We are talking in tens of thousands in this country alone.

You had a bit of a ‘run in’ with another lorry driver. I am sorry to hear that. But I would say that every member on here does too on a regular basis. It happens. Just relax and ease off the gas. Let the other bloke go in front if it avoids a ‘coming together’. It isn’t a race.

Also - comments along the lines of ‘most DHL drivers can’t get a job anywhere else because they are just too crap’ make me howl with laughter. Though I’m pretty confident I could, I for one certainly wouldn’t want to! Where I live - I am a good £2.50 an hour better off than any other company within a 20 mile radius.

In this situation which im sure a lot of drivers here have found themselves in, why should the driver already in lane 2 be bullied into backing off just for the pleasure of ignorant thing with no manners in lane 1 to do as he/she likes?
As has been said its not a race but surelly a little respect/good manners never hurts anyone…
:smiley: Lets hope we have a better week after the long weekend.

why should the driver already in lane 2 be bullied into backing off just for the pleasure of ignorant thing with no manners in lane 1 to do as he/she likes?

They shouldn’t. You’ve answered your own question there. You have acknowledged that some people are ignorant. Ignorant people don’t tend to care too much about others.

As has been said its not a race but surelly a little respect/good manners never hurts anyone…

It most certainly doesn’t. I have respect for other drivers until they give me reason not to. When they do something stupid, I just let them get on with it and try to keep away from them nowadays.

I haven’t always been able to, but I’ve come to realise this is the safest option. I also have a little self-respect and I won’t get drawn into these ‘road-rage’ incidents. My life is worth too much to me and those close to me for that.

Lets hope we have a better week after the long weekend.

I’ll drink to that. :wink: