Devon companies

The Gardner in that Sed-Atki is a 15.5litre 6LYT 320, the early ones were really unreliable (which is pretty unheard of with Gardners), but at the time of building the new-range of engines the firm was up forsale when parent company Hawker Siddley wanted out, so very little funding in design and research plagued it with reliability problems. Perkins bought Gardner and the problems with the LYT were sorted out, but by that time is was to late, the Engine had now got a bad name and couple that to the huge premium the makers were sticking on the price of a Gardner engine, Perkins stopped production. It was a great shame as the big Gardner LYT was such a promising engine, when it worked well it would pull like a train, had excellent economy, and was lighter than any of the comparable engines of that size and power.
Although badged as a 320, most of these engines were actually 350 which was just a small adjustment of pump and eventually Gardner had intended to Intercool this engine for outputs of 420 and above. Only a couple of intercooled 6LYT’s were made and were called LG420i’s, both went into boats i believe.
Its funny to think that if things had been a bit different you might’ve been able to by an 09-plate ECT Olyimpic with a 550 Gardner!!!

Saddly, Gardner, like so many other famous makers of the british lorry industry, has been consigned to the History books, AND IT MAKES ME SO ANGRY WITH THIS ONCE GREAT COUNTRY :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

How about some pics of B Thompson’s fleet used to run Fodens and I think were quite an early Renault user.

Are they still operating?


b thompson are still going running some early renault premiums they come into our yard most days,to pick up a back load for the southwest,they used to run alot of daf 2500s in the 90s as well as renaults.

thanks for the info fellas,reckon this thread is coming on quite well,good to know that it’s bringing back old memories and filling in a few gaps. It’s nice to know that some of my photos that I’ve had tucked away for years are being enjoyed. Refering to the Torridge Atki,the pics come from an artice in Trucking International from June 86,it includes the black Atki and fridge that you mention Road commander,but not being from Devon I left it out,but if anyone wants a gander I’ll put it up.
I do remember something about Stoford’s Atkis being stretched and a tag axle being fitted,but I was two young to really take it all in.
I’ve found a another couple of Gregorys,the FL was taken in 91 at the bottom of the north Devon link road and the other belonged to a subbie from Tiverton,not sure if he is the same bloke who owned the other Gregory Atki that I posted earlier?
Last of all one of Thompsons DAF 2500s that you mention Mark,taken on the same day and place as the Gregory FL. Pretty poor photos again,I always used to have dramas taking shots of trucks on the move,but better a bad shot that none at all.
Cheers Jamie

The Thompsons Daf and single axle trailer was used on distribution work in Cornwall and Devon,we had it in our yard regularly delivering Proctor and Gamble products in the late 80’s/early90’s.
We also did onward delivery work into St.Ives,Mevagissey,Looe and Polperro for Richardsons of Exeter.
A yellow ERF 4 wheeler driven by a lady called Jenny used to drop in our yard.
They also ran an Iveco 7.5t panel van which ,i think,was kitted out as a sleeper cab.
Haven’t seen them for years.

Also on the side of the M5,J28 (Cullompton) you could see the yard of a bulk haulage company that used to run G-cabbed Renaults in blue and white.Are they still around.

I very rarely get up that way nowadays as my work is Cornwall and Plymouth only.

What about Wally Balsdon? Seem to see a few of his units around now & again

Nice shiney new one of Thompsons


Nice shiney new one of Thompsons


nice pic again steve , obviously a quiet day at work :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Does anybody remember a haulier called Weslakes , from nr Plymouth. Reason i ask is the firm i worked for at the time used to get backloads via them but i only went to thier yard once(early 80s) . Even then it was like stepping back into time.

yes and it was a time warp, also who was the firm from newton abbot

Also on the side of the M5,J28 (Cullompton) you could see the yard of a bulk haulage company that used to run G-cabbed Renaults in blue and white.Are they still around.

HF Heard?

yes and it was a time warp, also who was the firm from newton abbot

Eggbeers, Miners, Torquay Freight Services, Hottot?

valence ?

The blue cabbed Renaults at J28 were Radfords but they have finished now, his brother still runs trucks (J.B Radford) all tippers but aggregate and muck away not bulk blowers they are up at J27.

Big Bear:
The blue cabbed Renaults at J28 were Radfords but they have finished now, his brother still runs trucks (J.B Radford) all tippers but aggregate and muck away not bulk blowers they are up at J27.

Thanks BigBear.
Another one gone,pity.
They used to go past me like i was standing still on the flat but come to a hill and i swear they would start going backwards! :laughing:

Re. Stofords again,they ran a few sleeper cabbed Roadrunners,anyone got any photos?

Hope these are of interest, Hottot’s 110 was about 15 years old when taken but still looked vey tidy. Torridge’s Foden looked so good when new, looked like a real truck when compared to the atki’s they were running at the time. Used to see it has i went through torrington on the school bus. 25 years later i worked for them, my 1st class job, and what a classy motor it was, a 2001 seddon atkinson stratos high roof with ■■■■■■■ 380, went ok thou.

Brian Harris ceased trading on Friday 6th April 2001

He closed up mainly to the council’s opperating conditions and the foot and mouth outbreak(alot of our work was farm machinery). All us drivers were paid up in full and all creditors also.Brain was about the best boss i’ve worked for :smiley: The whole story can be found in John Corah’s book “FROM MOORLANDS TO HIGHLANDS”.

good effort fellas,we made it to a second page,top effort with the photos John mate,it seems you were taking photos a few years before me,early eightys by the looks.
I’ve heaps more pics of that Torridge Atki,the driver was from Tiverton and used to park up in the lorry park every weekend.Nice to see the Torridge Foden,I didn’t know they ran Fodens. I also remember P.M Clarke,that MAN is a cracker mate,I think they ran F90s later on,I’ll have a dig for some pics.
I’ve put some R Radford volvos and a renault up,all taken in Tiverton late eightys,eary ninetys,shame the F86 ‘aint a clear shot,she was a ripper,I only saw it once. I also have some of JB Radford’s that I’ll post later. H F Heard were also from Cullompton,they ran a small mixed fleet of flats and bulkers,Dodge Commandos an early Sed Atki and later a Merc. I’ll look for Wally Balsdon,I’ve a couple,but sadly none of his 111 or F88,which realy looked the part.
None of the Stoford Roadrunners,I went for a ride in one to Cornwall,but it was definatly a day cab,I can’t remember any sleeper cabed ones,the Cargo and the earlier Dodge are all I have of thier smaller gear. Lastly one of Evans’ ERFs taken at Frank Tuckers in 1998,they bought out Tuckers.
Cheers Jamie

Hello,some great pics on this thread especially the 8 wheel bubbles,now to spoil things with my crappy pics :unamused:

Cheers Bubbs :wink:

One that has not been mentioned yet,Parsons of Exeter,saw one over the weekend,didn’t think they were still running?Similar colour scheme to Gregory’s,any connection?

top effort Bubbs mate,jease your a dark horse,I didn’t know you took photos back in the day. Keep 'em coming mate,the Roadrunner is very simular to the one that I had a day out in back in 1990,could even be the one,unusual with the box van with curtains. The DAF’s a ripper,I don’t remember seeing that one,same as the Radfords not one I’ve seen before,looks like it may have come from Scotland originaly with the ‘s’ in the plate. Where and when were they taken Bubbs?
As for Parsons Bestbooties,yeah I do recall them I’ll have a look for some pics,I don’t think there is a connection between them and Gregory’s,but could be wrong mate.
OK today we have-another R Radford Mid liner taken in Tiverton on a cold Saturday in winter in the late 80’s,next J B Radford from just up the road,the ERF was taken again in the late 80’s at a local tip and the S26 Scammell was taken about the same time in thier yard. Finaly I could’nt find any MAN’s of P M Clarke,but did find a Bantings Renault,from North Devon I think? ,pulling one of Clarke’s trailors up the North Devon link road in 1990.
Cheers Jamie

Hi,good pics Jamie…the Stoford pics were taken from my vantage spot by the M4 near Bristol,the Radfords stuff brings back memories of the late 70s when we were on AM (illegal) CB…Revajet,his various steeds are included here was always on the airwaves,he had one of the broadest devon accents going but could take the wee-wee out of everyone.
Heres a few from the best fleet in Devon,sadly missed :cry:

The EC E.R.F was taken the day before the auction,on its final trip for Brian…anyone know the reg number of the Foden?

Cheers Bubbs. :wink: