Ok so how do you deal with it… I perosnallity dunno how too and out of all the people on this forum there is only one who i can truely trust and he will be getting a txt tomrrow about my situation… But as is said what do u do when it hits you hard… sorry if its a bit personal but im young and dunno how to deal with it really…
Do you know what is, or might be, causing the depression
I get really down which many may call depression but I know the cause - it’s because I am not working and the unfair way in which my last job ended compounds it.
Sorry to hear about that mate. Ive been suffering with depression for 10 years now mate and its not nice. Been for counselling seen doctors and am on medication, the medication seems to help but i dont think i will ever be rid off it. The strange thing is no one can tell that im depressed, cos i dont seem it.
hi there mate the only advice i can give is get urself to the docs and they will be able to rule out any otherunderlying cause and be able to confirm itif it is deppression uve got
Well you’ve done the brave thing, acceptme and acknowledged you’re feeling down.
At least you know you’re not on your own and other people here have also suffered from depression, but are managing it. I don’t know if it ever truly goes away.
If your friend can help you move forwards - great.
If not, or you need a bit more support, do go and talk to your doctor about it and if s/he doesn’t seem to be much help, ask for a referral, don’t just leave it.
Please let us know how you’re doing. You can always PM someone.
Acceptme, you do not say for how long you have suffered from this Depression.
If you have had it for perhaps just the last few months, then it could well be that you have S.A.D. which is Seasonally Affective Disorder. It is also known as the Winter Blues It is caused by the long , dark days of winter. When Summer comes, and the place looks brighter and Lighter, you may well find that it will just disappear. You will feel better. and the world will look a better place. Any problems will become much more manageable. You will feel on top of the world again.
You can combat S.A.D. by buying what is known as a Light Box.Just Google S.A,D.Light Boxes.All will be explained.
If you are depressed because your girl-friend has given you the elbow. Just learn to accept it. There are plenty more fish in the sea. It is also better to find out that you are not suited for each other, BEFORE you get married, than to find that out a few days AFTER you have got hitched.
If it,s work and/or the current recession which is causing it, then you are one of many hundreds of thousands of people who are suffering from the effects of that. It will end one day. Things will get back to the way they were. You will get over it.You will then be that little more prepared , and better able to cope with it, when the next recession inevitably comes along.
Sir Winston Churchill suffered from it, he used to call it “The Black Dog”. it did,nt stop him performing at his best.
Stick with it. Keep posting about it on here. To talk about a problem is a start towards getting it sorted out. Good Luck. Check those Light Boxes out.
Well,mostly is just the wrong Foot eaten.
Try drinking a Glas Milk,or Yogurt before going to Bed.Or 100 gram Chicken,-/Turkey Breast with little Lemon Juice on it.
No Carbs at evening.=that makes you sleep better,and you are not the Hungry at Morning
At Morning a Glas Tea and a Toast with Jam or Marmelade.(No Butter)
After two/three Hour a Full English Breakfast.
Later a Snak. hand full Nuts,or sandwich,or toasty,or salat
Try having once a day a Egg,and a Spoon Olive Oil-on Salat,Bread or Steak
At Morning Carbs with tea/Coffee
During Day mixture of Minerals and Vitamins,
Evening is Protein,the Body is made from,and has to refill the Muscle
Attention:Too much Protein makes Brain working,and you will dream,which could wake you up
The important thing is that you have accepted that the way you are feeling isnt right. Accepting it to yourself and not trying to pretend its not happening is the hardest part.
Although you may feel it you are not alone. Depression is incredibly common, especially amongst young men. Its on the increase too. You arnt losing the plot, or going mental, or anything like that!
It takes alot of courage to stand up and tell depression TO DO ONE but it can be done. Hopefully soon youll beable to enjoy your life and not allow this to blight it.
Best of luck
modern britains is rife with depression in both the economy and individual levels
as said above, identify what it is first. is it due to a recent event or do you not really understand why you are feeling depressed? if its the former then time is a great healer as is talking to someone whether it be a friend/relative or someone you trust on the internet. it can be better to discuss problems with an outsider who you gives you the security of knowing that they would be unable to get involved. if its the latter then its natural. everyone goes through highs and lows and often it is inexplicable. some days you are happy for no reason, some days you are depressed for no reason. i would advise simply riding it out by distracting yourself. when you are busy you tend to think less about issues so your mood is more stable.
either way i would disagree strongly about seeing a doctor. it is well documented that doctors are increasingly treating depression will pills and that is not helping anyone. pills are merely a temporary fix but will not help long term and could actually do more damage than good since you can become addicted to them. identify why you are feeling down first before deciding on how to rectify and stabilize your mood
I would disagree with your last bit there Scanny, anyone feeling this way should go to thier doctor.
Doctors have many more options now for treating depression, anti-depressants is only one.
To a degree your right about the temporary fix, however without a course of Citaloparm I
wouldn’t have been able to get back on my feet or feel up to completing a cognitve behaviour course.
thats fair enough Colin. i am by no means an expert and i am only offering an opinion, not professional advice and experiences with regards to doctors will no doubt vary between surgeries anyway. collectively speaking, doctors have received recent criticism for offering pills to deal with depression though rather than dealing with the underlying problem although i would perhaps approve if they offered pills on a temporary basis while they investigated the root of the problem.
it may be worth taking into consideration that i may be slightly biased because i dont like doctors or medication so when i get problems i tend to ride them out rather than having them seen to. i know some will disagree with that but it hasnt killed me yet
Oh I’m no expert either. just going by my own experiences.
I was lucky I saw a GP who put a number of things in motion with the Primary Mental Health Care team in Glasgow
and I was seen quickly, too. I have been told it doesn’t always work that way and some folks can wait months to be seen.
Got to agree with Colin on this one. True Clinical Depression is an organic disease caused by a chemical imbalance within the brain, and no amount of self help will cure that. It can also be a symptom of an underlying issue. I have had depression on and off for years, and now take an anti-depressant (Fluoxetine) and will continue to do so for life, as it has eventually turned out to be a very early symptom of my MS, and is caused by a lesion (hole) in the relevant part of my brain. This is a physical defect which, again, no amount of personal strength or talking therapy will cure, and is a very common symptom in MS, which is why I am on a lifetime course rather than 6 monthly review.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying depression alone is a sign of MS, far from it, just that if it is proving hard to shift a visit to the quack could find out if there is any underlying cause, even if it only flags it up on your medical records in case it becomes relevant at a later point. There are many, many conditions which list Depression as a symptom, and only the RIGHT approach for any given kind will actually help shift it. Not a job for a layman, however well-intentioned.
(Ps. Depression in MS isn’t Clinical Depression, it’s Neurological Emotional Lability. It feels the same, though, and I would be suffering for no reason whatsoever if I hadn’t reported it 10 YEARS before diagnosis, hence making it part of my own particular jigsaw.)
My ex once made go to the doctors because I was having mood swings, falling asleep all the time etc
The doctor got me to go to counselling first before any medication which would have been the last option but the counsellor couldnt help as I wouldnt open up (I find it hard to open up to strangers until Ive got to know them really well) so back to the doctor who prescribed me ciltapram (spelling ) and I took them until they ran out (never went back for a repeat) and I thought that they worked really well though it was probably a state of mind.
Anyway, I was having a few problems moneywise and with a friend (caused me no end of trouble after I dared to buy a new car the same as hers, which wasnt intentional, in the colour she wanted).
I can also explain the falling asleep bit - at the time the ex was living with her brother and wife and they had the heating turned up full all the time and after going round there after work, well you can figure out the rest…
Ok so how do you deal with it… I perosnallity dunno how too and out of all the people on this forum there is only one who i can truely trust and he will be getting a txt tomrrow about my situation… But as is said what do u do when it hits you hard… sorry if its a bit personal but im young and dunno how to deal with it really…
Depression doesn’t exist
That’s first.
Second: If you are down then just as you may not be very inteligent. Otherwise you would first talk with your Doctor,and not waiting till you have to go into Publique.
But you are here and we will help you.
Depression is just a shortage of Power. Like a Engine not running on all Cylinder.
1.) search Sunlight If it isn’t any,go in Sunbathing Studios twice for 10 min a Week
2.) Eat once a Day a mixed Salat Made from Lettiche,Tomatos,Onion,Garlic and Cucumber,but remove the green Skin from Cucumber,as its bad for Stomage.Then slice them thinn
3.) Eat once a Week a Egg
4.) Drink once a Week a Guiness or Ale Not Lager please
5.)Boil Carrots,slice them after than longwise and fry them in Oil twice a Week You can eat them cold then
6.)Once a Day a Tablespoon Oliveoil On a Bread best
You may feel better after two Weeks.
Change slowly your Eating Habit
1.) At Morning a Tea or Coffee with 2 Toast (Butter or Magarine on it,maybe Jam,Honey)
2.)2 to 3 Hour later at your first Break some Carbs,like Spagetti or Rice Dish
3.)At Lunch a small Dish with Spagetti,Rice or Potato with plenty Vegetables.Meat just if you can’t others,and than just a little.
4.)At Afternoon a Apple or Pear. No Citrus or Exotish Fruit
5.)At Evening only a small Meal,like Scrampled Eggs
6.)A few Minute before going to bed a small Cut Icecream,or a cup Jogurt, or a 100 gram Chicken/Turkey Breast with a bit lemonjuice on it.No Bread or Carbs before going to Bed
You will feel getting better from Day to Day,but still run your Doc,as he could detect a Ilness
Take better a Bath then a Shower,and put a Handfull Salt in your Bathwater,you wash then with the Shower from Body
Check your Eyesight and Hearing,as a mess on that could be the Reason too (Doctor)
Check your Bloodsugar level (Doctor)
know what i used to do when i was younger to get rid of it when i felt crap, i used to get stoned
so stoned that i would pass out.
thankfully i dont touch it aymore and feel alot better.
hope your ok wee man
Depression doesn’t exist
That’s first.
Second: If you are down then just as you may not be very inteligent. Otherwise you would first talk with your Doctor,and not waiting till you have to go into Publique.
Puts head in hands before banging it against brick wall
You’ve obviously never suffered from or met anyone else who suffered from true Clinical Depression.
well,what is called Depression is mostly a shortage of Vitamin “D”. It comes automaticly with Sunlight,and in Countries with lots of Cloudy and in Winter suffer more People about it then in Countries with all day long Sunshine,and/or Winter at all.
so don’t blame anyone who have it. Blame them who don’t tell the People what it is and how to fight it.
The Clinical Depression you mean may be that kind People who gain it with negativ thinking. Know plenty of them who see’s in everything a “Crap” similar Named negatives. But you will not find anyone with Depression of them who think positive.
In our Case here will i say it’s Vitamin “D” shortage. We had a long Winter and most of Time is it cloudy and Rainy. Sunshine just for some short Time may help to get it a bid easier,but isn’t enough to fight it.
Sunbathing may help,but too much risk’s Skin Cancer. Right Food at right Time would help to keep Body and Brain active,and with the weeks power enough to fight next Winter on a positive Way. With some help of Doctor would i say that the Depression is in a three Year under Control by the Patient himself.
Whilst that’s true in some very specific cases (Seasonal Affective Disorder being the most obvious example), it certainly isn’t in the majority. But hey, what would Psychiatrists with years of training and experience know when they have random lorry drivers to set 'em right, eh?
Oh, and my mother didn’t try and kill herself because she had “negative thinking”, she did it because she was ill.