
What drugs are available for depression? Last year I went to see a Doctor as stuff was getting to much for me and got given a drug called citalopram (2 tablets a day for 20 days) I couldn’t drive on them I had to just take one… The feeling off two was just dangerous!!

Well they certainly stopped me feeling down, and also every other emotion you can feel I was like a robot living in limbo…

Well I’m back there but I feel it’s alot worse, I can’t open up to anyone, I’m the main income into the house so I can’t take any time out, I don’t even think my wife would give a monkeys if I told her this?? And I know my mates would just say man up!

I have thoughts that even scare me to be honest, and selfish and a weak person.

Sorry for the rant, just don’t know what to do anymore.

Go back to the docs. There are loads of types of medication out there, you need to find one that suits you and it might take a bit of time. Don’t give up hope, please. If your going through hell, keep going and I’m sure you will find a solution. Don’t know what else to say without writing loads of stuff and/or suggestions and your doc will know better if he/she is a good 'un I should think.

I find it stupidly hard to talk about, what worries me with doctors is you hear of people that licences revoked due to medication… I specifically said last time I drive so I have to be careful and am not kidding you I didnt know my left from my right, my head actually felt fuzzy??!

Lost the best job I ever had last month and it’s hit me really hard, I went back tramping and just been alone all week with stupid thoughts I chucked it :neutral_face:

You mean you chucked the job you loved, then went back tramping or chucked the job because of how you felt??
Very understandable about the danger of losing your license. Some antidepressants can make a person feel worse and then it can become a vicious cycle . It would be so much better if you could talk to your wife about it though. Maybe she doesn’t realise how crap you are feeling.
I’m sure I saw a link on here ages ago giving advice and help with this sort of thing.
Hope things work out for you soon.

You mean you chucked the job you loved, then went back tramping or chucked the job because of how you felt??
Very understandable about the danger of losing your license. Some antidepressants can make a person feel worse and then it can become a vicious cycle . It would be so much better if you could talk to your wife about it though. Maybe she doesn’t realise how crap you are feeling.
I’m sure I saw a link on here ages ago giving advice and help with this sort of thing.
Hope things work out for you soon.

No I actually got laid off from my job, then decided to go back tramping with a new company and couldn’t deal with it… It’s made me question everything to be honest, I some times wonder if I even want to drive anymore (and I grew up around wagons it’s all I ever wanted) it’s unreal how much it can impact your life, and really sad.

Parents , what ever goes on in my girls life I’ll be there for her , told her doesn’t matter where , what it is call me ,talk to me or your mum ,can you not talk to yours ( apologises in advance if there not around any more )

Parents , what ever goes on in my girls life I’ll be there for her , told her doesn’t matter where , what it is call me ,talk to me or your mum ,can you not talk to yours ( apologises in advance if there not around any more )

My mum’s around mate but she’s got enough going on herself, don’t want to burden her with my issues aswell, it’s been on going me feeling like this, but every episode it seems to get worse…

I could be here All night if I went through everything that has led me to on one occasions completely melt down, but I wont, I will just give you a snippet…

So I were given some very strong anti dps, they absolutely snapped my chain, horrifically heightened my already bad state, drove me to a very dark place in a very short time frame, two weeks if that and I found myself at the door to eternal darkness…it were gonna be a very long drop onto a very hard surface.

NOW I don’t know how, why or for what but I bottled it. At the time I felt ashamed for doing so, I wanted to go and I just knew it’d be for everyone’s benefit, BUT I didn’t go, instead i went out into town an whilst absolutely destroyed on various substances/alcohol I begged a kicking off a group of lads…

I remember dragging my battered remnants round behind a shop an I slumped into some cages…

I remember nowt else, time, how long I were there, I remember nothing from hitting deck too
being awoke by a dog licking my face and a fella saying 'mate, mate, you alright…?..
Well apart from what I later found out was a perforated drum, broken hand, wrist, knuckles, some deep cuts, ruined clothes and me wallet being there lol i were alive.

Now he sat me up, opened this tin, took his last ■■■ an offered it to me, it were then I realised he were homeless…and you know what it were at that moment I also realised It could be worse.

He made me realise that help can be found and come from anywhere, you just have to be lucky enough to get it or REALISE you need it, and he did just that for me.
The guy saved my life I’m sure of it, he were an ex soldier, misses had done him over, the whole 9yards but he took a second out of his life for a stranger…

So take a second out of someone you knows life, and one from your own, go back too your doctor, talk to your family, but above all else don’t be ashamed or afraid to ask for help.

It may simply be dosage issue, mis diagnosis, or your brain hasn’t adjusted yet as these potions can cause caos before they start to calm… I know for a fact my meds were wrong and once changed I became within a year free of all meds, alcohol, and other substances and have been for 10yrs plus…(well I do have a beer once in a while lol)… But above all else I’ve learned to talk, cope, and BREATH much much more easily and even now after the last few years I’ve had I know I can and will get through it whatever it is…its hope that drives me as hope is all we really have in life imop, so that’s the rock i use, maybe you can too in time…

Please don’t let the job thing worry you, if you have to take a hand from state for a while then imop for your well being do so, no shame imop, anyone who says contrary is either incredibly lucky or fudgeking nieve.

I hope whatever happens to/for you you get all the best, and i wish ya all the best, and I hope above all else you find the strength you know you have to be able to dig deep and dig out of this as you know you can…

Sincerest wishes Ben :wink:

What drugs are available for depression?


Get the blood flowing again. Get your heart pumping.

PM sent.


What drugs are available for depression?


Get the blood flowing again. Get your heart pumping.

PM sent.

It helps so does music

Also ask Dr fro some counselling it can also help there are many types of drugs out there that can also help

If you read have been there done that at times still there as it never goes but you need to find way to deal with it & help to know the signs of when you going back there

There is loads of help out there you just have to find it in your area

Also depends what type of depression it is just type depression into google … yAOBhJ3YCA


You’ve taken one good step just talking about it , I suffer from anxiety at times and keeping busy with other things and talking helps

Trying to get a appointment for Tuesday, booked a half day off so I can deffinetly go. Thanks for your support lads and ladies

Hope you managed to get that appointment and something positive came out from it. January IS a bit of a crappy month though for any feel good factor.

Wot you can do to fight Depression by Yourself

:arrow_right: Get Sunlight as much as you can.
You also could go to Solarium twice a Week for 10 Minute a Time.
Go in Winter on Holiday to South
Get you a Camera and go out walking,and take Pics when ever you can. (Just post it on Facebook or sell it)
:arrow_right: Eating and Drinking (my Topic from Yesterday seems gone but i bring a short for that)
Get you Vanille Yogurt or Vanille Ice Creme before going to Bed (small one just. Vanille sets something in Brain to let you feel Happy)
Remember. When going to sleep eat and dring Protein. Your Body needs to refill Cells. But when Breakfast then eat Carbohydrates. Gives the Body Energy to start the Day. (When having too much Protein at Evening it lets you dreaming a lot. So rather mix Protein with Salat,Row Veggy or Fruit)
Here down a Copy of an Article

Natural measures against depression
Below we provide you with simple to implement and natural measures to help the alleviate depression:

More raw food for depression
The share of raw food in the diet should be significantly increased if a tendency to depression is present, because only in the raw yet all the nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals and enzymes are present in their original form and can be the body for all metabolic processes available.

In particular, the enzymes and vitamins are extremely sensitive to heat, so that a large part of the food should be consumed uncooked.

For depression: increase neurotransmitter reserves
Neurotransmitters such as serotonin , dopamine or norepinephrine are transferred chemical messengers in the brain, the information from one nerve cell to another. Therefore, a low or unbalanced neurotransmitter levels can lead to depression, but also result in “only” severe mood swings and poor concentration.

For example, serotonin sufficient extent available, it makes for a good mood, a good concentration and optimism. Low serotonin levels can lead to sleep disturbances, irritability, lack of concentration and depression. Precursors of serotonin are z. B. in bananas, brown rice, fennel, figs, potatoes, spinach, tomatoes and blue-green algae contain.

Saffron Extract can as a dietary supplement taken to increase serotonin levels. In studies has proven that saffron extract (2 x 15 mg / day) after 6 weeks showed similar effects as fluoxetine, a very commonly-prescribed antidepressant.

Dopamine is responsible for attention, joy and mental clarity. A lack of dopamine makes inter alia manifested by apathy, lack of ability to love and lack of remorse consciousness. Foods that help to increase the levels of dopamine, are such. As shellfish, poultry and soy products.

Norepinephrine controls the appetite control, the motivation and the drive. At low noradrenaline may lead to a lack of drive and ambition, as well as obesity. Green vegetables, avocado , soy products, blue-green algae , oats, apples, pineapples , bananas and almonds contain the building blocks from which can then be formed by the body norepinephrine.

Endorphins are probably the most well-known neurotransmitter. Endorphins not only provide for a euphoric mood, but also inhibit naturally pain. Women who suffer from premenstrual syndrome (PMS), often have a lack of this neurotransmitter. Regular exercise such. As jogging or walking, but also listening to music or a good meal into an increase of endorphins in the body.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) provides a feeling of relaxation and inner peace. A lack of this neurotransmitter leads to restlessness and anxiety. Wheat bran and fish are good sources of GABA.

So it is quite possible with an appropriate diet to increase the production of neurotransmitters and thus positively altering the motivation of the body and the emotional mood and fight depression. Below you will find out which nutrients can affect how the atmosphere and in which foods they are found:

Nutrients for depression
Calcium provides inter alia for optimal nerve cells to communicate with each other - an important prerequisite for success in the fight against depression. In addition, calcium provides for the maintenance of a sufficiently high serotonin levels.

Fruits like oranges, kiwi, melons, bananas and strawberries contain - in proportion to their energy content - especially a lot of calcium.
The calcium-rich vegetables include z. B. spinach, peas, asparagus and cabbage.
But of course, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds and Sonnnenblumen- and nuts contain a lot of calcium.
Especially recommended is the Sango marine coral , which has a 20% calcium content.
A lack of zinc leads to memory problems, fatigue and lethargy, increasing the risk of depression. Good sources of zinc include pumpkin seeds, nuts, mushrooms, wheat germ, chickpeas, oats and legumes

Chromium regulates blood sugar levels, improves the metabolism of amino acids and prevents anxiety, fatigue and depression. Good sources of chromium include corn, brown rice, whole grains, potatoes and mushrooms.

Magnesium ensures activation of B vitamins and supports the relaxation of nerves and muscles. Kiwis, figs, apples, bananas, tomatoes, squash, corn, potatoes, legumes, garlic, nuts, wheat germ, whole grains and eggs are rich in magnesium.

Selenium deficiency manifests itself in irritability, depression and anxiety disorders. Selenium-containing foods are z. B. sunflower seeds, nuts, bananas, kiwi, grapes, peaches, onions, lima beans and potatoes.

Omega-3 fatty acids , the z. B. abundant in flaxseed oil are present or krill oil and the vegetarian DHA algal oil, increase serotonin levels and thus alleviate depression.

In addition, it is extremely important to drink plenty of good water. A latent dehydration (lack of water) can have a significant impact on the mental and physical health. Even mild dehydration can cause headaches, poor concentration, memory and visual disturbances. Strong dehydration can lead to delirium.

For depression: Provide a stable blood sugar level
Glucose is very important for an optimal supply of the brain. This does not mean that you should only feed on sugary itself. Instead Sugary (sweets, sweetened drinks, cakes, etc.) should be completely avoided to prevent spikes in blood sugar and therefore blood sugar fluctuations. This fact can at a fall in blood glucose to crying fits, irritability, fatigue, dizziness, forgetfulness - to depression - lead.

Among the foods that cause spikes in blood sugar, also include highly processed carbohydrates such as white rice and white flour products.

Additionally, it should to excessive consumption of coffee to dispense and alcohol consumption as well as fried food. Nicotine also blocks the activity of the “feel good” -Neurotransmitter, therefore a waiver is also advisable if you want to create the phase-out of depression.

When depression reduce stress
Sleep deprivation and emotional and mental stress deplete the supply of “wellness” -Neurotransmittern and thus favor depression.

The body responds to emotional stress as well as to physical danger, namely the fight or flight mechanism. The vital body functions such as digestion, utilization of nutrients, growth and repair of cells come to a halt because the body is set to fight or flight.

The pituitary gland is working at double speed to hormones such. As adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol release.

Previously, these stress hormones were reduced through physical work. Modern man, however, moves hardly and also is often in constant stress. The existing by this unfavorable constellation in excess stress hormones can lead to a wide variety of diseases - including depression.

Therefore, it is extremely important to stress through regular relaxation measures such as yoga , meditation hear music or to deal with a good book.

Lesen Sie mehr unter: … z40K8krGca (On Top right are 4 Squares for 4 Translations)

are you married? How old you are? if i can ask

Be very careful about seeking medical help for depression, there have been cases on here where drivers have lost their HGV entitlement because of doctors bubbling them up to the DVLA, and DVLA taking the view that it is mental illness.

Exercise, sunlight and having people to talk to all help. There is non-prescription medication you can take, 5HTP helps with depression (and insomnia), as does valerian. Both are available on ebay.

I do think it helps to remember that depression is fairly common, part of the “human condition” really, in fact, I think there’s something wrong with people who don’t suffer from it! Anybody who does not dwell on past mistakes for example, is destined to repeat them. Anybody who does not feel anxiety about the future is not making the best preparations for it.

Just my thoughts, and I certainly don’t hold myself up as an expert on the subject, just “school of life” stuff really. Good luck.

Think it’s time for me to do something about it. Losing control again.

are you married? How old you are? if i can ask

I’m 29 today, married,2 kids… Feel selfish because I’m pretty lucky in that respect,