Depression and inform dvla?

Hi all
Been suffering with depression for a while but only recently went to the doctors about 8 months ago and put on medication which has worked wonders for me however doctor said I can still take the medication even when feeling better if I wish. So my question is do I need to tell dvla as it says for hgv drivers mild to medium depression as long as short lived you do not need to inform them, so would it be classed as short lived as I feel great from treatment but still taking medication as a “precautionry measure” should I inform them? Thanks in advance for any replies.

Hi all
Been suffering with depression for a while but only recently went to the doctors about 8 months ago and put on medication which has worked wonders for me however doctor said I can still take the medication even when feeling better if I wish. So my question is do I need to tell dvla as it says for hgv drivers mild to medium depression as long as short lived you do not need to inform them, so would it be classed as short lived as I feel great from treatment but still taking medication as a “precautionry measure” should I inform them? Thanks in advance for any replies.

No dont bother ,It will end up with some jobsworth ruining your life …

tell them nothing

I told them.
They wrote to my doctor. She asked me to come in for an appt and filled out the form with me and returned it.
Dvla contacted me and said it was all fine and to inform them if anything changed.
They aren’t looking to take you off the road, just make sure your mental health won’t affect your ability to drive or use the truck as a weapon!
I sleep easy knowing that I’ve been 100% above board and have no worries.
Up to you…
Takes ya chances.


Just to add, I’m on long term medication.
If you feel you will be off medication in a few weeks, fine. If you feel it will be long term, different ball game.