Just leafing through some admittedly old threads about this,so hoping there’s some more recent examples as I’ve just been quoted 2100 nicker for a 3 unit bridge from my nhs practice which I’d struggle to find or even justify tbh,I always thought you could get these treatments up to a fixed cost of 350 quid??,more fool me.Question,we are regularly teased in the press with pictures of gleaming gnashers,(implants) and testaments purporting to facilitate a rich,cultural experience in European shangrilas,Budapest,etc,free xrays…,half the price of blighty…blah…blah.Anyone tried this route perchance,or know of anyone who has?my guess is it may have become too good a thing and prices are approaching this countries usurious levels but I’d like to be proven wrong in my cynicism.
become unemployed and go onto jobseekers for a month…all free on the dole if you wangle it right.
become unemployed and go onto jobseekers for a month…all free on the dole if you wangle it right.
Yup or become gargantuanly overweight,ignore fitted gastric band,fitted courtesy of uk tax payers,then realise the usa can’t match blightys 100k operation fee,then hot tail it over the pond and all is well.
Hungarian dental prices are a lot cheaper that the U.K. 50 - 60% cheaper, but with the travel and accommodation expenses on top would probably cost you the same as the initial cost in the U.K.
become unemployed and go onto jobseekers for a month…all free on the dole if you wangle it right.
Doubtful they’d pony up 2100 quid but you’ve def got me a thinkin
We have a place in Spain and always get dentistry work done over there. It’s generally about half the price of UK dentists.
Use the budget airlines to fly to Alicante and google for dentists Costa Blanca. Cheap and easy to get to.
Just took the first tentative steps involving a big loan,x-rays at Golders Green and couple of Budapest treatments with 5 day stay on 2nd visit.Need 2 anchor implants for bottom row missing molars,got no chewing teeth just decorative front ones that will just give me pain and financial grief into the future but can’t embrace the idea of falsies it’s a common theme i guess with our game,missed appointments ,fruit juice etc,we have a chap at our place with just one bloody tooth ffs,i mean t least with falsies he could at least converse,impossible with just one horrifying to the max.