Delivery to Eccles, Monday Morning

Got a delivery to Salford Reds Stadium, Eccles, M30 7LJ, on Monday AM.
Just checked my friend Google Maps & she says to use M6-M62-M60 south- off at J11.

‘Silly’ Question is- Whats the A57 from the M6 like, between 08.00 & 09.00, considering its the first day back for millions of people & 20 million of them will be commuting into Manchester :unamused:

or will I be better staying on the Carparks/(sorry) Motorways ?

(might be better to stop at Lymm for an hour to let the Lemmings get to work) :unamused:

Have breakfast at Maccy D’s at Lymn truckstop and wait for peak travel to end.
The whole world and his dog will be back to work and the A57 will be chocka too.Greggs at Lymn.Good coffee there.

Got a delivery to Salford Reds Stadium, Eccles, M30 7LJ, on Monday AM.Just checked my friend Google Maps & she says to use M6-M62-M60 south- off at J11.‘Silly’ Question is- Whats the A57 from the M6 like, between 08.00 & 09.00, considering its the first day back for millions of people & 20 million of them will be commuting into Manchester :unamused:or will I be better staying on the Carparks/(sorry) Motorways ? (might be better to stop at Lymm for an hour to let the Lemmings get to work) :unamused:

as we’re laid back up here :laughing: AM means after midday right? :sunglasses: lymm for breakfast pal, :smiley: A57 straight in :wink: miles better :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Its gonna be pants whichever way you go,
First day back in work after 2 week off for a fair few means they have forgot what little they knew about driving.

I take you are coming from the South? Don’t bother with Lymm, you will need a stomach pump. Over Thelwall and off at J21, follow the signs A57 Irlam. Past the garden centre on the left and the LA Cafe (green cabin) is on the corner. Breakfast here to let the traffic die down.
Carry on the A57, two sets of lights, first island there is a brown sign with rugby ball on it. Along the by pass, four islands, set of lights, Makro on the right, container yard, pass the Heli-port and City Airport on the left and AJ BELL STADIUM is on the right. Down to M60 J11 to turn round as there is no right turn where the houses are on the left.

Thanks Chaps, you’ve confirmed my thoughts, leaving MK at 05.15, so I’ll Hoof it up to Lymm & have an hours Kip. :smiley: Then shoot up the 57.

Not allowed Greggs for a month, she’s putting me on a Diet :cry:

Thanks for the directions Beanie, gonna have to take a Rain Check on the Breakfast though, gotta work on Reducing my Lorry Drivers Big Fat Belly. :unamused:

I’d do as Bearnie said tbh. But, if not, why not just head straight to the stadium.

They’ve opened the top of the A57 (heading towards the M60) to 2 lanes now, so it’s nowhere near as bad as it used to be, but still gets a bit snarled.

I used to drive a tipper out of Irlam, so I’d be heading up there everyday around that time in my tipper and then everyday in my car at around 5-5.30pm :imp:

Ill swap you,ive got a 9am Belevedere on monday :imp: :imp:

Would you not be better coming off at j19 up the A556 and up past the airport , on to M60 and over Barton bridge to j11 ?

I take you are coming from the South? Don’t bother with Lymm, you will need a stomach pump. Over Thelwall and off at J21, follow the signs A57 Irlam. Past the garden centre on the left and the LA Cafe (green cabin) is on the corner. Breakfast here to let the traffic die down.
Carry on the A57, two sets of lights, first island there is a brown sign with rugby ball on it. Along the by pass, four islands, set of lights, Makro on the right, container yard, pass the Heli-port and City Airport on the left and AJ BELL STADIUM is on the right. Down to M60 J11 to turn round as there is no right turn where the houses are on the left.

Well said beanie,thats the place for a proper b/fast not lymm and that mc ds crap.
regards dave.

Would you not be better coming off at j19 up the A556 and up past the airport , on to M60 and over Barton bridge to j11 ?

No, be better coming off at 21 and going straight up the A57, what’s the point in going North, then East, then North, then East, then North, then West, when he can just stay on the M6 to J21 and then go NE on the A57 straight to where he’s going?
1 road, a few roundabouts and traffic lights, but not bad and definitely nothing worse than just the A556 stretch between the M6 and M56, let alone trying to get onto the M60 at Princess Parkway.

Ill swap you,ive got a 9am Belevedere on monday :imp: :imp:

No way Hos’ay, I hate London more than I hate Manchester. Lol.
Good Luck !


Would you not be better coming off at j19 up the A556 and up past the airport , on to M60 and over Barton bridge to j11 ?

No, be better coming off at 21 and going straight up the A57, what’s the point in going North, then East, then North, then East, then North, then West, when he can just stay on the M6 to J21 and then go NE on the A57 straight to where he’s going?
1 road, a few roundabouts and traffic lights, but not bad and definitely nothing worse than just the A556 stretch between the M6 and M56, let alone trying to get onto the M60 at Princess Parkway.

Yep, plan A, Lymm for about 08.30, sleep, then J21 & Poodle down to the stadium after all the commuters have had a play !

Go to cafe on A57 the LA it a great cafe been there years and years so much better than Lymm

Double post oops!

I took a load of building materials in there about 3 weeks ago for the new relief road that’s going in. Got there at 15:55, in time for the 16:30 deadline, and they refused them.

Didn’t want to crane them off in the dark anyhow.


Well ! After ripping my Red Line out this morning turning out of the yard ! Grrrrrr !
It caught the trailer & I didn’t notice it when I did my walk round.
Leaving my Wagon (because there was no fitter or spare Suzie in the yard) & taking a Vintage Actros, I finally left the yard at 06.30.

Light Traffic all the way !!!

Came off at J21 about 09.45 & followed the A57 into Eccles, no cars whatsoever, I got to site at 09.55- Result !

They instructed me to drive through security towards the site cabins, where they started shouting & Balling that I was supposed to be in the car park to the left of the stadium ! So I had to reverse back on to the road & finally got sorted in the car park.
Happy Days !

Don’t you just love Good Communication between the gate house & site office.