Hi Kierran. You’re really going through the mill, aren’t you? (((HUGS)))
I hate to say it, but the bottom line of this one is that your girlfriend is being unreasonable. I can 100% sympathise with her desire for you not to do nights out until she has passed her car test, that’s fair enough, but to stop you doing day shift as well? How on earth does she expect you to pay for the private school and the driving lessons, never mind everything else?
I would suggest a compromise. Don’t do the tramping, but do start doing day shifts. Ok, so it’s 3 buses of a morning, but assuming she knuckles down and passes her test first time, it’d only be for 7 weeks. Even with a re-test it’s not forever. The whole thing is going to come falling down like a pack of cards if she doesn’t face facts and give a little. Does she work herself?
I went through a similar situation with my ex many moons ago. It was slightly different for us, because he could drive. Also it was a case of whther I tramped or not. We lived in the depths of rural Dorset at the time and the only decent paying work was tramping, but he didn’t want me away. Yet when I did the low-paid day work he then complained about the lack of money. In the end I showed him the figures and he reluctantly conceeded that you can’t have it all, and back down the road I went. He wouldn’t work himself so I had no option.
The only other way out is to send your daughter to the local state school to cut out the travelling, but that would be very unfair on her for the sake of your girlfriend gritting her teeth and catching the bus for couple of months. Given the family background, I suspect there is a VERY good reason why she’s attending the school that she is, so the last thing you need is to have your daughter making sacrifices over what is effectively your girlfriend’s lack of realism. Whereabouts do you live? Are you in a town or rural? Is public transport overall reasonably good?
Sorry I can’t come up with a magic bullet for you, but I’ve racked my brains on this one - hence taking a while to reply - and can’t see any other way forward. You’ve tried so hard to make everything work for your family, but you’re NOT Superman. The last thing you need at the moment is to crack under the pressure - which from the sounds of your post, you may well do if you carry on like this - so your girlfriend is going to HAVE to grit her teeth and at least meet you halfway. She’ll be benefitting too in the long run, after all.
Good luck. (((hugs)))
Hi Lucy thanks for that. There has been no change yet only that the fell said the job is still there for me so thats good news. thanks for the reply
your girlfriend is being unreasonable.
DO NOT make comments like that when you know [zb] ALL about our situation.
And DO NOT take everything my partner says as gospel as when it comes to the truth you get less than half the full story from this little golden boy.
language edit…colingl
i think someone might be in the dog house!
with this thread and the other one i’d say get a lawyer and take the job anyway.
it doesn’t look like you’re going to be there too long
thread now locked as original post has been deleted and post is over 6 weeks old.