deleated post

hello all can someone explain how u deleat your own posts off here ■■

Usual way is to edit your post,and replace it all with a single dot.

hello all can someone explain how u deleat your own posts off here ■■

Winseer has given you your only option.

You can’t actually delete the fact that you’ve made a post.

The best tip is to think very carefully before hitting the “submit” button. :wink:


hello all can someone explain how u deleat your own posts off here ■■

Winseer has given you your only option.

You can’t actually delete the fact that you’ve made a post.

The best tip is to think very carefully before hitting the “submit” button. :wink:

And hope no one quotes it ! :smiley:



hello all can someone explain how u deleat your own posts off here ■■

Winseer has given you your only option.

You can’t actually delete the fact that you’ve made a post.

The best tip is to think very carefully before hitting the “submit” button. :wink:

And hope no one quotes it ! :smiley:

yep :wink:

Ah yes, the old post in haste, repent in leisure trick. :smiley: