DEF ouch.

Just a little warning… DEF f****n’ hurts if you get it in a cut or wound of any sort, I returned from the UK to find my truck had a DEF problem and had somehow lost 3/4 of a tank full, I limped down to Albany to get it sorted but the orange light started to flash so I stopped to buy one of those 2 gallon cans, the filling line was crap and I got it all over my hands, I have a skin problem due to the treatment I get for cancer and the stuff got into a small dry crack, it stings and is now very swollen.
The problem was a frozen and broken DEF line by the way.

You do know what DEF is based on right , and still chose not to wear gloves ? Yanks , bless 'em :unamused:

flat to the mat:
You do know what DEF is based on right , and still chose not to wear gloves ? Yanks , bless 'em :unamused:

Yes, I know what it’s made of and did not expect it to spill all over me … ■■■■■■’ containers LOL

yanks/what pats lucky enough to come from gods own county of northamptonshire lol stay well pat :smiley:

yanks/what pats lucky enough to come from gods own county of northamptonshire lol stay well pat :smiley:
