One of my govners ,unit still resides in our waiting restoration
hey crispy
you’ll have to get on to your gaffer to get it restored
iv’e seen the Terry Seaman Foden XL pic in another thread is that your motor?
if so, its well nice mate
hey crispyyou’ll have to get on to your gaffer to get it restored
iv’e seen the Terry Seaman Foden XL pic in another thread is that your motor?
if so, its well nice mate
Yeah the 4000XL is my motor but she’s looking a bit tired now as for the restorations he’s got a shed full to go at so B540 will be a while yet i think the Scammell is next then the 2 stroke thats on the lowloader
so don’t hold your breath
this is as nearest il get to drive a foden ,my Dad drove a s21 wagon and drag for lathams cartransport at ryton coventry .that wagon ran 24 hours a day then a s83 ,i remember that one flew
My uncles wagon
on the blower
On the Flat
our foden still going strong
Took this Foden … few years back … think it was at Southwaite Services if i remember rightly…
What a cracking set of pictures Dozer thanks for sharing them very much appreciated. I am a Foden man myself and I won’t hear a bad word said about them and its an absolute tragedy that the old firms gone. I saw old Fodens perform some amazing feats of strength when I worked for Elliotts of York during the 60s on heavy haulage. I have crewed on a 6x4 ballast tractor grossing well over 100 tons powered by only a Gardner 150 and climbing “Shap” unassisted ! what a motor!
Today I have an S20 6x4 ballast tractor restored to the memory of that old motor in Elliotts livery, I even have a set of the original number plates from the old girl herself (just for show of course)
Many years ago the late great Pat Kennet from truck magazine decried the Foden 12 speed box saying that they were too complicated for the ordinary man in the street to drive, but I had to write and put him right on that because those old gearboxes were bloody marvelous! As were the twist down double reduction hubs that were hand operated to engage low range for moving heavy loads. Yes it was old fashioned technology and they were slow but it worked. We sometimes had the benefit of 2 Fodens, one pulling and one at the back pushing, both of our big Fodens had the 150 Gardner in and with a combined HP of 300 we really could shift some stuff! Happy days
regards doublereduction.
What a cracking set of pictures Dozer thanks for sharing them very much appreciated. I am a Foden man myself and I won’t hear a bad word said about them and its an absolute tragedy that the old firms gone. I saw old Fodens perform some amazing feats of strength when I worked for Elliotts of York during the 60s on heavy haulage. I have crewed on a 6x4 ballast tractor grossing well over 100 tons powered by only a Gardner 150 and climbing “Shap” unassisted ! what a motor!
Today I have an S20 6x4 ballast tractor restored to the memory of that old motor in Elliotts livery, I even have a set of the original number plates from the old girl herself (just for show of course)
Many years ago the late great Pat Kennet from truck magazine decried the Foden 12 speed box saying that they were too complicated for the ordinary man in the street to drive, but I had to write and put him right on that because those old gearboxes were bloody marvelous! As were the twist down double reduction hubs that were hand operated to engage low range for moving heavy loads. Yes it was old fashioned technology and they were slow but it worked. We sometimes had the benefit of 2 Fodens, one pulling and one at the back pushing, both of our big Fodens had the 150 Gardner in and with a combined HP of 300 we really could shift some stuff! Happy days
regards doublereduction.
Never drove a Foden but drove other stuff rigged up in the same manner and identical running gear, i’ve often been told i’m talking twaddle by some of the younger lads when telling them what “little” engines could be made capable of by the use of gearing, you’ve worded your post really well and easy to understand, well written Doublereduction.
thanks harry long retired.
Punchards had this a few years ago. Saw it last year running around Kent.
im driving this 450 cat powered alpha its a cracking motor its surprised me how good it really is
Thought i may have seen a pic of one of Salkeld’s from the Consett area, ran quite a big fleet of Fodens right up until they closed about 30 years ago the 2 strokes always sounded healthy i don’t think they tried anything else but could be wrong they had their own quarry but did some general haulage as well as low loader work.
thanks harry long retired.
My uncles Foden, now been ‘signwritten’
Yeah the 4000XL is my motor but she’s looking a bit tired now as for the restorations he’s got a shed full to go at so B540 will be a while yet i think the Scammell is next then the 2 stroke thats on the lowloader
so don’t hold your breath![]()
Was this being carried on a low loader during the last 2 weeks? I am sure I passed one just like it on a low loader that was the same as this. Can not remeber for the life of me where I saw it though. I am thinking the A5 near Hinckley, but thets just a guess. Think it was a dark Scania Topline towing it (once again, could be wrong).