some more, i drove this truck for a few months
here is a couple of old girls … sitting on a farm /stables in Uphall, Broxburn…
Taken at Mansfield Brick Sandhurst Avenue Mansfield
Binconey Transports yard Birchwood Lane Somercotes 8th September 1991
National Plant & Transport Ltd Cotes Park East Somercotes 27th April 1991
Classic Commercial Show 12th June 1994
hi does anyone know the location of this truck it is a foden 4335 reg no N224 FSN it used to belong to scott (claverhouse) ltd has any photos of it either in scotts onership or since it left them any help would be grateful
can nobody find a picture of salkelds their fleet was all fodens, i lived not far from their place some years ago and those two strokes sounded well, as i said in a previous post never drove or was passenger in a foden but by the sound of things i missed a treat.
thanks harry long retired.
North shropshire Reg No 4 NMB. Anyone got any photos of s20 fodens tactor units WNT118 & WNT119 new to North shropshire in 1959, would be very gratefull, (Nev North Shropshire Transport)
took these two 8 wheelers a couple of years ago at the barnard castle show…