Dedicated to Fodens. Paccar's biggest mistake. R.I.P!

I was up there just before Christmas, I’m sure the engine had been taken out Dan

Just outside Shrewsbury a few weeks ago

And a couple of days ago in Worcs

The sound of this Foden beats the sound of any V8 anyday!

Shame it’s being taken out of service :frowning:


Jonny :sunglasses:

I’m reliably informed my old wagon isn’t quite so tidy anymore… :unamused:

I’m reliably informed my old wagon isn’t quite so tidy anymore… :unamused:

Would be a Cat not a Gardner in that wouldn’t it■■?


I’m reliably informed my old wagon isn’t quite so tidy anymore… :unamused:

Would be a Cat not a Gardner in that wouldn’t it■■?

You’re right there Dew. The Gardner sunstrip came out of Dads’ much loved B reg 8legger; It had a Gardner 270 turbo (yes, a turbo!) and the good old Eaton twin splitter. I put the sunstrip in my wagon as a tribute to the good old days on Smiths.


Filthy doors and cabsides; So very Foden Alpha.


" Wild Rover " refers to the Foden , and NOT to its owner !

A reminder of Foden`s proud heritage is this well-preserved 4000 XL , the last Foden built of the 4000 range.
It is now in retirement , but still attends many rallies and gatherings.

Photographed on the A 66 near Keswick , as it partakes in a ■■■■■■■■ Road Run , September 2011 .

Cheers, cattle wagon man.

The Daddy

cattle wagon man:
" Wild Rover " refers to the Foden , and NOT to its owner !

A reminder of Foden`s proud heritage is this well-preserved 4000 XL , the last Foden built of the 4000 range.
It is now in retirement , but still attends many rallies and gatherings.

Photographed on the A 66 near Keswick , as it partakes in a ■■■■■■■■ Road Run , September 2011 .

Cheers, cattle wagon man.

But your so so wrong !!! Terry Seaman owns the last Foden built at Sandbach with certificates to prove the fact and yes I know
all about it as drove it for 9 years …


cattle wagon man:
" Wild Rover " refers to the Foden , and NOT to its owner !

A reminder of Foden`s proud heritage is this well-preserved 4000 XL , the last Foden built of the 4000 range.
It is now in retirement , but still attends many rallies and gatherings.

Photographed on the A 66 near Keswick , as it partakes in a ■■■■■■■■ Road Run , September 2011 .

Cheers, cattle wagon man.

But your so so wrong !!! Terry Seaman owns the last Foden built at Sandbach with certificates to prove the fact and yes I know
all about it as drove it for 9 years …

i always thought that he kept that last Alpha in a shed and never put it on the road, was it metallic blue?

My apologies to CRISPY and ERF MAN.

Cheers, cattle wagon man.

cattle wagon man:
My apologies to CRISPY and ERF MAN.

Cheers, cattle wagon man.

No need Cattle Wagon Man, i realise now that you ment the Last 4000, but i think the last 4000 went to NZ, i dont know, i might be talking cr@p


cattle wagon man:
My apologies to CRISPY and ERF MAN.

Cheers, cattle wagon man.

No need Cattle Wagon Man, i realise now that you ment the Last 4000, but i think the last 4000 went to NZ, i dont know, i might be talking cr@p

But CRISPY knows better,…or he can`t read .

Thanks, cattle wagon man.
