Death penalty, for or against

Some people believe hanging and injection or electric chair is to easy
A slow death for a slow death, so if they go out of your way to kill someone like a savage then the compliment should be returned to them in the same way

As I said I’m sure burying em alive with an air tube or slowly boiled would fit your and Zac’s ideas.But as in any form of torture no one comes out of it smelling of roses especially those administering the ‘punishment’ regardless of how it’s justified.

Buster and Biggs and Reynolds were all small time petty crooks who found themselves facing an unearned big time penalty because the great train blag was way out of their league and the law knew it.
They just saw it as another small time job but with big time rewards and that’s what upset the establishment.
Ironically the film understated the effect of that especially on Buster.They didn’t run to South America for fun and a holiday.Buster’s eventual end was far more predictable, for predictable reasons, more in line with my views, than, as you describe it, the movie schmaltz.
He clearly and obviously saw death as being more attractive than even just the possibility of doing more serious jail time.Especially if he was being fitted up for it just like the Guildford 4 and the Law and Order storyline.
At that point innocence or guilt or level of the crime or even life itself are all moot.
They at least deserve the mercy of a quick and painless way out.
Although ironically by my logic maybe some if not all of the Guildford 4 might have never lived to celebrate their declaration of innocence and release.
As opposed to yours.

How come they can find a peaceful way for euthanasia but can’t for something like this
Is it can’t or won’t

Alabama carries out first nitrogen gas execution in US this year
The southern US state of Alabama put to death a convicted murderer using nitrogen gas, the first time the controversial method decried by human rights advocates has been used in the country.

Justice has been served. Tonight, Kenneth Smith was put to death for the heinous act he committed over 35 years ago," the statement by Attorney General Steve Marshall said.

Smith, 58, was on death row for more than three decades after being convicted of the 1988 murder-for-hire of a pastor’s wife.

He was put to death at Holman Prison in Atmore, Alabama by nitrogen hypoxia, which involved pumping nitrogen gas into a facemask, causing him to suffocate.

According to witnesses, he “began writhing and thrashing for approximately two to four minutes, followed by around five minutes of heavy breathing,” local media reported.

The curtain over the media witness room opened at 7.53pm the publication said, with Smith pronounced dead less than 40 minutes later.

Robin Maher, executive director of the Death Penalty Information Center said previously that Alabama was “using an untested, unproven method of execution.”

“It’s never been used before to execute anyone in the United States, or anyone in the world as far as we know,” Ms Maher told AFP.

Eff them: Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.

Priceless :rofl:
Logic is something that regularly escapes you, and that is not just my opinion


Ironically I guess that you would have denied the Guildford 4 a hearing and their release ?.

Zero Oxygen isn’t the same thing as not enough oxygen at relatively reduced air pressure.
As shown in the Cox video I posted in the case of the latter the body doesn’t even know what’s happening and actually goes out confused and laughing not writhing.
America has always viewed its penalty system as one of retribution not justice.
To the point of wiki lying about the electric chair which was deliberately based on DC not AC to cook the convict to death not shock them.

CF saw this and thought of you.


So now it turns out that the State of Flordida that once had the electric chair - now sees it as OK to mount a so-called “Swatted” raid upon Trump’s home - armed to the teeth, and loaded for bear.

A blatent assassination attempt.

Removing the death penalty then - encourages and emboldens would-be committers of violence.

Bring the death penalty back?

The only ones being executed are the totally mad, who have no regard for their own physical future on this world.

Who else would risk committing murder, knowing that an awful state-induced death awaits them?

Woah there a minute. Back the bus up. Are you seriously suggesting that Floridian officials and police launched an assassination attempt on an ex US President?

You wanna take a step back and reassess that?

It’s not a suggestion, it’s the news.

That’s one Olympic, record breaking sized leap to suggest yank law enforcement officers intended to kill Orange man, just because they carried standard issue firearms.
You’ve really lost the plot this time. Yank cops probably take their guns to bed.

You are making an assumption there:
That WS had a grip of the plot in the first place! :wink:

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It could be fair to say that murder by definition is an act of insanity like suicide.
There is something seriously wrong with the thought process in either case.
Which explains why it still happens regardless of the penalty.
As stated I think there is a place for removal from society of the perpetrators of such violent crime.On the basis of giving them the choice of humane euthanasia, as I’ve described, not the usual retribution motivated US savagery, or long term incarceration.
What other solutions are there ?.

A few months ago, you pompously berated all the heathen, non-christian members. Does not your holy book say “Thou shalt not kill”?

If that were enforced 100%, then we’d start jailing people for running over rabbits, stamping on insects, and putting domestos down the toilet…

Some sense of proportion is required when interpreting biblical texts as a non-believer…
It is the Devil’s work to tempt based on biblical quotes used as contradictions.

Giving a murderer etc the ‘choice’ of ‘humane’ ( not cooking em alive, or poisoning em, or snapping their neck, or suffocating em ) euthanasia, by their own hand, or locking em up in a living death I’d guess and hope that God would understand the motivation for at least giving em that choice.

Would that be the same God who (according to the book thingy) decimated nations and peoples by means of plagues, famines and pestilence?

Love these mad assed Bible Bashers and their ‘Selective Christianity’.

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They should have put him in a grave alive