Death and Crash Forum?

just an observation over the last few years,I haven’t said anything cause I didn’t want to cause offence or stir up trouble but i just have to say something now cause its getting on my ■■■■.
Isn’t it time that Scanialady142 is given her own Death,Crash,Fatality,Killed and maimed forum■■?..cause pretty much EVERY post of hers is just that!!!
I know this sort of ■■■■ goes on all the time in the industry and some of it is interesting to read…but trawling the internet for crash victims and accidents involving trucks and posting em in the main PDF I personally think is a bit wrong :confused: :confused:
Im sure she’s a lovely lady in real life not that i’d want to have a conversation with her but cant we have a CRASH/DEATH forumn so that people who are in to that can go in there to read about it■■?..she can probably moderate it too maybe??

keep up the good work

i mentioned something similar to admin before xmas

and do you know what there response was ■■?

well dnt read them then

i’m with you bud theres enough doom n gloom about without reading about stuff like that

on a side note have you noticted that she has not put a post up about a bentons driver playing bridge just outside glasgow :unamused: :laughing: :wink:

i mentioned something similar to admin before xmas
and do you know what there response was ■■?
well dnt read them then

TBH before the new forum, there was no other option. Now you have 2.

You can hover over a thread to see part of the first post, if doesn’t interest you then move on to the next thread.

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