Dead Mans Shoes

right, was searching on here for anything related to driving for Waitrose, as Bracknell are stil recruiting for C+E (have been for months). Which is not too far for me.

Not considering it too seriously as they want 4 out of 7 including sat + sun. Which generally I am not too thrilled about.

What did come up in the search was people referring to it as a ‘dead mans shoes’ job, now I always thought dead mans shoes to mean, that there is no progression from that point on. You start as a driver for waitrose and 10 years down the line, you will still be a driver for waitrose.

But surely by that rationale, every truck driving job should be considered dead mans shoes, or am I missing something?


it means some one dies before you get a must be to young to understand the old sayings. or your dad didnt work in transport. i always thought it was a saying in any job :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

In addition to your meaning of no further progression, I always understood ‘dead men’s shoes’ to be a job that was so good or cushy, that you had to wait for someone to peg it before getting a start.

Presumably the job was so good, that once in it, people stayed in it?

Edit… Obviously typed at the same time as Drevas post above.

I always thought dead mans shoes to mean, that there is no progression from that point on. You start as a driver for waitrose and 10 years down the line, you will still be a driver for waitrose.


No, “dead man’s shoes” means you can only get a job there if somebody dies. Such is it’s popularity.

I went for an interview with Waitrose at Aylesford, I flew through the interview with the girls, but I didn’t get on at all with the driving assessor who was a little jet-lagged having only just got back from a “fat 50-something trucker” week’s holiday in Thailand. Strangely, despite his winter holiday, he didn’t seen to have caught any sun…

So I didn’t get the job, although by then I realised it wasn’t for me anyway.

thanks chaps for clearing that up :slight_smile:

Indeed, yours was the post I found when searching Mr Monk. Why did you decide it wasn’t for you?

Why did you decide it wasn’t for you?

They don’t go to Spain, Italy or Poland.

:laughing: fair enough

Harry Monk:
but I didn’t get on at all with the driving assessor who was a little jet-lagged having only just got back from a “fat 50-something trucker” week’s holiday in Thailand. Strangely, despite his winter holiday, he didn’t seen to have caught any sun…

Oh dear. I hope he proceeds with extreme caution.

Bloke at my firm did exactly this a few years back. He’s only in his forties though. :wink:

He went over a few more times. Then he brought the reason for the trips back over here, married her, and that was when all the ■■■■■■■ trouble started! :unamused:


Harry Monk:
but I didn’t get on at all with the driving assessor who was a little jet-lagged having only just got back from a “fat 50-something trucker” week’s holiday in Thailand. Strangely, despite his winter holiday, he didn’t seen to have caught any sun…

Oh dear. I hope he proceeds with extreme caution.

Bloke at my firm did exactly this a few years back. He’s only in his forties though. :wink:

He went over a few more times. Then he brought the reason for the trips back over here, married her, and that was when all the [zb] trouble started! :unamused:

I know someone who did that too.
For another £5 he could have got himself a good looking one :exclamation:

And for another £5 a female one.

And for another £5 a female one.

fpmsl :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: