Davies Int. Southampton. With photos (Part 1)

Its been all go at “Tracy Island” this week with a new landing pad nearing completion, just got to line it out to complete so no more mucky boots in the rest room, this is the final bit of the jigsaw after the purchase of the yard, Buzzer



Corn Harvest Buzzer and hi-tech planting youtu.be/HNhxpOM1P1k
I can remember when sowing oats was done with a horse and what we called a broadcast 12ft wide made up of two 6ft boxes(may have been wider) which swiveled for getting through gates, sprocket geared spinners (off the axle) along the bottom of the boxes. The other difference was that seasons were pretty much well defined back then.

Today we ran all the steers thru the crush and wormed & blacklegged them then took 14 down the marsh and let them go on the grass, five remained at home in the paddocks to eat that off. To Salisbury Mkt tomorrow looking for a few more, Buzzer




Evening Buzzer

Busy day up ere dosing hoggs and then we put them out onto the fell for summer, 70 less mouths to feed as we haven’t much grass yet. We have had a cold east wind which has stopped the grass growing, today has been warmer with a bit of rain tonight which should wash the fert in.
We have turned some heifers out and four in calf cows apart from that the rest are still stuck inside waiting for grass.

Cheers Wrighty.

Plenty grass down here Wrighty so hope it lasts, needs to warm up a bit and keep the showers coming and the job will be a goodun, Buzzer


They were looking smart when I passed them yesterday heading South on the A19 .

They were looking smart when I passed them yesterday heading South on the A19 .

Thanks for the comment, presentation is every thing, Buzzer


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Evening Buzzer

Well the decent weather has finally turned up, nice and warm and the grass has really started to grow now. Been as busy Week on the truck came down to Southampton docks on Tues morning with two Mercedes tractor units, as per usual the paperwork was incorrect so they refused to take them, ended up going around to the Solent gateway at Marchwood to drop them off.
It’s been busy on the farm as our David has gone on holiday so Alice and myself have been doing all the work at home, going back driving tomorrow for a rest.

Cheers Wrighty.



Just finished cutting 16 acres of grass as the weather is so good, about a month early this year but taking wots there now, contractor coming tomorrow to row up. bale & wrap, Buzzer

Busy today as contractor came at 10am to row up and bale my haylage, got 85 bales in all and got them all in with me disco and ifor trailer, not so many as last year but we cut a month earlier than last year as the weather was good so took what was there, Buzzer


Busy today as contractor came at 10am to row up and bale my haylage, got 85 bales in all and got them all in with me disco and ifor trailer, not so many as last year but we cut a month earlier than last year as the weather was good so took what was there, Buzzer

Looks like heavy haulage