Dartford Crossing.....For Sale...?

Want to buy a nice bridge and two tunnels,going cheap.
I look around while on occasions waiting in a 10mile queue of traffic to reach the toll plaza and it does bring home how farcical all the concern about global warming really is.
I have asked toll staff whether they suffer from breathing problems and some have admitted they do but I don’t think ‘Elf n Safety’ comes into play when Government revenue is involved.
I don’t think the One Eyed Monster should sell any of our assets to drag his bunch of cretins out of their pile of whoopsy.
But I am sure so many of you will have an opinion■■?

waiting in a 10mile queue of traffic to reach the toll plaza

An opportunity for those car windscreen cleaners :bulb: :exclamation: :laughing:

One things for certain, whoever buys it will have a licence to print money, as there is no alternative to get to the South East and you can guarantee that the first thing they’ll do is jack the prices up straight away.

Yes I suppose you could go around, but hauliers costs in extra diesel will negate that and their customers won’t pay any costs passed on, so I suppose it’s like a modern day ■■■■ Turpin.


I was under the immpression that it was already in private hands. The bill from my TAGs has always come from ‘Le Crossing Company’ who I assumed were French and part of the same lot as owns the Severn briges.

I was under the immpression that it was already in private hands. The bill from my TAGs has always come from ‘Le Crossing Company’ who I assumed were French and part of the same lot as owns the Severn briges.

I saw on another recent thread on this subject that it seems many are getting the wrong end of the stick - apparently the HA are taking over the ‘policing’ of the area.

I was under the immpression that it was already in private hands. The bill from my TAGs has always come from ‘Le Crossing Company’ who I assumed were French and part of the same lot as owns the Severn briges.

Le Crossing is a part of Vinci construction group (related ro Ringway), Vinci in turn are part of Eurovia, the biggest construction company in the world.

However Vinci do not own the bridge, they just run and maintain it.

I recently read that the southbound crossing tolls were being abolished, was it a dream or wishful thinking?

Cyclops is out to completely devalue the once mighty quid. He,s already sold off the family silver,at bargain basement prices. it,s down to the stuff in the garage now, probably as BOGOFs. Insofar as the Family Gold is concerned the ■■■■■■■ numpty flogged off our National Gold Reserves when he was Chancer at the Exchequer, when the price per ounce was at the lowest level for donkey,s years. The Treasury is printing money by the many Billions, which will mean that before long, you,ll all be going shopping at the week-end with a wheelbarrow full of brand new £50 notes, that are worth ■■■-all. (Just like the Germans were doing before WW2) :unamused: :unamused: His aim is to bankrupt the country so that our only hope lies in the European Union, which we will be shortly begging to join, like the Third World outfit that we have now become. If the Tory Party really want to take over the mess that this ■■■■■■■■ and his crew of self-serving wastes of ■■■■■■■ space will be leaving behind, then they must be bonkers. Bye-Bye Oncers. Hello Euros. and Monsieur Le Presidante Blair, and Madame Letter box gob. :angry: :angry: :angry:

ps. If there are any members of MI5 or MI6 monitoring my posts on here, then you can get ■■■■■■ as well , you shower of ■■■■■■■■■:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: Jeez. I feel better after that . I,m off to the garden to chill :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

this crossing should,nt be worth anything becauase it should be free to use. london has a lorry ban, a congestion charge and an low emission zone. yet we can all que up for miles and miles polluting the area with exhaust gases just to pay the toll.
they spend billions on the m25, more and more lanes added so we can eventually get to places quicker and yet we still have to que for miles to pay a toll.
whats the point.

actually, no let them sell it.
picture the scene.
nyet ivorichycock the driver of a 1982 grizny glubal tritter 500 donkey tirbo from upmybackistan travels 2000 miles on cheap diesel to do a delivery in the smoke. he has a delivery in the middle of the city at 06.00 but he plans on getting there at 03.00 so he can get his head down after completing a 36 hour non stop drive.
he crosses the dartford crossing at 01.45 turns left on the a13 and makes his way to the city.
he goes through loads of lorry ban signs en route, passes through the low emission zone and then finally enters the congestion charge zone. he parks up on a red route and gets his head down for a few hours and when he awakes he sees the parking ticket on his windscreen and duly takes it off and bins it.
nothing unusal here you may say, but we can all sleep soundly at night because we know that atleast he has made a small contribution to our society by paying the new austrailian owners of the bridge £25 to cross.
see, level playing field. :smiley:

Wheel Nut:
I recently read that the southbound crossing tolls were being abolished, was it a dream or wishful thinking?

Hi Malc, I seem to remember having read something similar…

Mind you, the same thing was said about the Queensway Mersey Tunnel (the old, twisty one.)

My Dad (RIP) told me of the day in 1934 (18th July) that he was in the crowd that walked behind the car carrying the King George V on the day that the tunnel opened. It was said from the very start that the tolls would be scrapped once the tunnel had been paid for, but now you have to guess whether the tolls are still in force… :grimacing:

:bulb: The cynical side of me wonders whether the tunnel is actually paid for yet, or whether somebody told a porkie. :confused:

Cyclops is out to completely devalue the once mighty quid. He,s already sold off the family silver,at bargain basement prices. it,s down to the stuff in the garage now, probably as BOGOFs. Insofar as the Family Gold is concerned the [zb] numpty flogged off our National Gold Reserves when he was Chancer at the Exchequer, when the price per ounce was at the lowest level for donkey,s years. The Treasury is printing money by the many Billions, which will mean that before long, you,ll all be going shopping at the week-end with a wheelbarrow full of brand new £50 notes, that are worth ■■■-all. (Just like the Germans were doing before WW2) :unamused: :unamused: His aim is to bankrupt the country so that our only hope lies in the European Union, which we will be shortly begging to join, like the Third World outfit that we have now become. If the Tory Party really want to take over the mess that this ■■■■■■■■ and his crew of self-serving wastes of [zb] space will be leaving behind, then they must be bonkers. Bye-Bye Oncers. Hello Euros. and Monsieur Le Presidante Blair, and Madame Letter box gob. :angry: :angry: :angry:

ps. If there are any members of MI5 or MI6 monitoring my posts on here, then you can get [zb] as well , you shower of [zb].:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: Jeez. I feel better after that . I,m off to the garden to chill :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

According to MI5 you might be in trouble there for calling him Cyclops being that Cyclops did have one good eye even if though was right in the middle of his head.Our great Scottish leader does’nt need to see anything at all because he go’s by intuition only.


Cyclops is out to completely devalue the once mighty quid. He,s already sold off the family silver,at bargain basement prices. it,s down to the stuff in the garage now, probably as BOGOFs. Insofar as the Family Gold is concerned the [zb] numpty flogged off our National Gold Reserves when he was Chancer at the Exchequer, when the price per ounce was at the lowest level for donkey,s years. The Treasury is printing money by the many Billions, which will mean that before long, you,ll all be going shopping at the week-end with a wheelbarrow full of brand new £50 notes, that are worth ■■■-all. (Just like the Germans were doing before WW2) :unamused: :unamused: His aim is to bankrupt the country so that our only hope lies in the European Union, which we will be shortly begging to join, like the Third World outfit that we have now become. If the Tory Party really want to take over the mess that this ■■■■■■■■ and his crew of self-serving wastes of [zb] space will be leaving behind, then they must be bonkers. Bye-Bye Oncers. Hello Euros. and Monsieur Le Presidante Blair, and Madame Letter box gob. :angry: :angry: :angry:

ps. If there are any members of MI5 or MI6 monitoring my posts on here, then you can get [zb] as well , you shower of [zb].:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: Jeez. I feel better after that . I,m off to the garden to chill :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

According to MI5 you might be in trouble there for calling him Cyclops being that Cyclops did have one good eye even if though was right in the middle of his head.Our great Scottish leader does’nt need to see anything at all because he go’s by intuition only.

Don’t hold back buycrider :laughing: I agree with everything you wrote, we will go to the tower together :wink:

The Tower Mal??The ■■■■■■ Tower?? ■■■■ that as well. Its a wonder the bleedin ravens haven,t ■■■■■ off to Malaga to join Hombre in the sun. I,ve got a right cob on today. Scottish Power have just e-mailed me to let me know that they have unilaterally upped my monthly direct debit from £76 per month to £126 per month. ■■■■■■■■■ They are now going to get U-Switched. I,m goin ter do a bit of cabotage of me own, I,m goin ter sign up with the foreigners Eon.■■■ it. I don,t care if it is dearer. :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

The Tower Mal??The [zb] Tower?? [zb] that as well. Its a wonder the bleedin ravens haven,t [zb] off to Malaga to join Hombre in the sun. I,ve got a right cob on today. Scottish Power have just e-mailed me to let me know that they have unilaterally upped my monthly direct debit from £76 per month to £126 per month. [zb]. They are now going to get U-Switched. I,m goin ter do a bit of cabotage of me own, I,m goin ter sign up with the foreigners Eon.■■■ it. I don,t care if it is dearer. :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

Buycrider I think you’re a bit out of date on that one because the last I heard the ravens fxxxxd off ages ago.They were heading for Switzerland as they said that they’ve had enough of being ruled by the Scottish and the EU until they found out how much the Swiss were going to charge them to cross the border so even they’re fxxxxd now.



Then the place will become economically unviable to live in or deliver anything to and it won’t be congested anymore great thinking even the Scottish could’nt have thought of that.

apparently the HA are taking over the ‘policing’ of the area.

You’re a bit late Rog, we took over patrolling the crossing on 13th Sep. All crossing officers were tupeed across and became HATOs. :wink:

Agree with everything said here about broon,don,t blame us jocks for everything,we,re not all like him.ps we don,t want him or any of the rest of the crooks back up here,we,ve enuf to be going on with dealing with the parish council(sorry,scottish govt) nannying us aboot the boozin among other things

The Highway Man:

apparently the HA are taking over the ‘policing’ of the area.

You’re a bit late Rog, we took over patrolling the crossing on 13th Sep. All crossing officers were tupeed across and became HATOs. :wink:

I often wondered about the blue lights on the vehicles, they were not police officers driving them, but apart from Police, Ambulance, Fire Service, Armed Forces, Bomb Disposal, Mines Rescue and Coastguard, who else can use blues?