darn fines

great start to the year driving over the french, belgium border at stenvorde, i admit i was speeding(in sense). Should be 50k i was doing 50m oops slightly over. any passed Q8 garage and wow gendamarie ■■■■■■ Anchored up best i could but to no avail. Bonjour, cmr, driving licence, passport, permit, man was i in for it your tax is 90euro you pay now. mmmmmmmm, spent up aint i you follow us to station. 3hrs later was leaving Hazbrouck 90euro lighter late for the ferry beacause i had every intention of being somewhere near gate services then. Ar well live and learn again. personaly i blimed my daughter beacause i`d pinched her new greenday cd asnd was to busy rocking. HEHE

JUST TO CHEER YOU UP; had you been in Germany ;YOUR fine and punishment would have been in the region of 140€ plus a ONE month
driveing ban for the german roads,yes this the norm here and it goes for all
users of the roads even those who do not reside in Germany, so be thankful
for small mercies

mentioned it to another driver and said muchly the same. Copper must of been in a good mood. Thanks for advice pete will remeber when in germany not to listen to greenday and get carried away

well so far i have had one in the truck one in a van in belgi 4 in holland on the bike . so i own the police over here i think . in the truck to close and he took my taco cos i was doing 90 ks well life is a ■■■■■

Boost ,do you have a german licence or a english one because for the offence with the 90kms and not enough distance between vehicles can
turn into a ban on driveing for a month or more mate, they are rather
keen on prosecuteing where this offence is concerned, and if you have a german licence that is what they will do,also with drivers with no german licence they place your details in a account just for you in the german DVLC
at Flensburg and when you have too many points you will be banned
from driveing in germany for a set limit normaly about ONE YEAR,

ALSO if you have not payed afine at the time when one comes it will have a
added charge for the office work due to the extra paperwork.

brit pete:
with drivers with no german licence they place your details in a account just for you in the german DVLC
at Flensburg and when you have too many points you will be banned
from driveing in germany for a set limit normaly about ONE YEAR,

Too true, my account is in ‘credit’ to the tune of 2 points at the moment. :cry: :cry: :cry:

Still, we all go on about wanting the authorities over here to take a tougher stance on foreign drivers so we can’t complain when the foreign authorites do what we wished the UK did.

Still, we all go on about wanting the authorities over here to take a tougher stance on foreign drivers so we can’t complain when the foreign authorites do what we wished the UK did.

We Can’t :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :question:

Thats Deflation for you, when it was 900ff that would cost you about £90. at least 90 Euro is £20 quid less :smiley:

well so far i have had …4 in holland on the bike .

Ah but Steve, I’ve seen you on a bike remember??!! :wink: :sunglasses:

For the 4 where the cloggies got you, there’ll be another 14 (at least) where they didn’t!!! :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :wink:

What happened to your scientific theory about “forward facing cameras are great, they don’t get me on the bike!” LOL!!! :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

i was in spain approaching a toll booth on the m-way and the guardia civil pulled me over( spotlights) running on the side lights six at the top and four on the bottom 110 euros :angry: :angry: :angry: was not happy

i was in spain approaching a toll booth on the m-way and the guardia civil pulled me over( spotlights) running on the side lights six at the top and four on the bottom 110 euros :angry: :angry: :angry: was not happy

Dont let Jammymutt see this post :smiley:

it wasent a cam that got me mate thay was in a car and you no me on the bike if thay wont a race i will give them one . so i did why carnt thay do it proply and have marked cars lol. and in the truck thay was in my blind courner the truck in front seen them and slowed down but didnt use his break and i just court him up then i slowed down as well but it was to late got me . and the one in belgi was in the firms van at lights i didnt no thay was for speed as well . but life goes on .

yes still got my uk one on the tv thay have been told to do more stopes on trucks so all look out . the way the truck stops are opening up you will soon be stoped in evry one of them . at least here you get told of what thay are doing on the TV .so all keep speed down and dont get to close .

so all keep speed down and dont get to close .

Errr, are you telling us or telling you■■!! LOL :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

“Do as I say, not as I do!” :wink: :wink: :wink:

Well i think i now by the money i have paid that was on the TV last week just trying to let you now what is going on i think i will keep my money in my pocket lol

just got the fine and i got 3 points as well f in Germany

i was in spain approaching a toll booth on the m-way and the guardia civil pulled me over( spotlights) running on the side lights six at the top and four on the bottom 110 euros :angry: :angry: :angry: was not happy

