Dangerous or Stupid?

On Saturday afternoon I was returning from Corsham Wilts in my car. I decided to go M4, A34, A43, M1 back to Sheffield.
Going through the roadworks before the A34 turn off I was behind a car and a Tesco’s lorry, both doing about 75kmh. I left a safe distance between them. I looked in the rear view mirror and all I could see was the grill of DAF XF and nothing else :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
the speed limit through the roadworks was 50mph. Once we were out of the single lane restriction the DAF overtook me before the roadworks finished, in view of what has happened recently with collisions with HGV’s the driver(who was from Eire) dangerous or stupid :question:
To say I was having a brown trouser moment was a bit of an understatement, and very frightening, it also made me angry at the bullish way he drove :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

Some people wont learn from others mistakes until it happens to themselves, which then, is too late for the other party the person has smashed into… Most roadworks are only a mile or so long so I dont see the problem or great rush in sticking with the flow until out of the roadworks…

in the light of whats happened recently , both

I’d consider whacking the hazards on for 3-4 flashes: Dunno about the legality, but ol’ knick-knack would have to be extra dense not to get some sort of message for him to chew on.

My car has lights which look rather like brake lights (until you see the brake lights working)

If someone gets too close behind I normally just flick the lights on for a second, they always drop back and brake…

Either that or I find a spare copy of “Mind Driver” and throw it back to them. After a couple of pages they normally see the error of their ways and turn into good samaritans. :sunglasses: :sunglasses:


I normally slow down just a tad more they normaly back off a bit then

Had this happen to me on saturday night coming back from Braehead(Glasgow) to Edinburgh with a car,
Just slow down and the muppet backs off even though i have a sign in back of car Kids on board.

Your more likely to rear ended by another car than a truck, you lot should know that, your “proffessional drivers” :sunglasses:

Had the same on the way back from the continent in my little austin allegro :wink: Going through 50mph roadworks on the M1 with a safe gap infront we had a artic right up our backside flashing his lights. I had 3 passengers in the car with me, I was fuming at the artic driver. It was from a comany local to me and I considered popping in for a chat (and maybe giving the driver a knuckle sandwich to repay the favour)

I dont think we would have stood much of a chance with a 44ton reeefer ontop of us, considering what we were in!

Why didn’t you do the 50mph like the sign says?
When people slow down to less than the limit on the sign then others will catch them up.
So don’t be suprised if a truck gets a tad close if you are plodding along.
Of course he tried to overtake you, You were going too slow.

We were doing 50 MPH, 2 lanes open, a lorry on the inside stopping us moving over and cars infront so we couldnt go any faster.

Even if we were doing 45 MPH or so is it worth risking a smash by driving so close, using his artic to try and intimidate other road users? If the guy wants to be unprofessional he should do it in a different job, not behind the wheel of a truck.

In the truck the way to deal with tailgaters is to touch the exhaust brake for a second, makes the [zb]ing halfwits think for once:twisted:

When I’m in the car, I just ease off a little, and continue easing off till the [zb]wit gets the message.

In the truck the way to deal with tailgaters is to touch the exhaust brake for a second, makes the [zb]ing halfwits think for once:twisted:

Better if you drop a gear first :laughing:
When I’m in the car, I just ease off a little, and continue easing off till the [zb]wit gets the message.

Funnily enough, this is one reason I don’t tailgate in the truck, I HATE it being done to me (some stupid dickwad wrote off my beloved, pristine one owner from new audi 90 by shunting it up the back end).
I had it again recently, going through the roadworks between cardiff gate and coryton on the m4. The limit is 50, which i was doing in my car. Some knob in a BOC artic (on way back to margam, I guess) was sat an inch from my back end flashing the lights at me. I had my 3 yr old boy in the back so I was a bit loath to try any funny stuff. in the end he just overtook in the width restriction lane. You wouldnt believe how hard it is to get a contact number for their depot, so I just called the police instead. I doubt anything got done, but I’m positive they don’t teach you to drive gas tankers like that when you do your ADR

I looked in the rear view mirror and all I could see was the grill of DAF XF and nothing else :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
the speed limit through the roadworks was 50mph.

That bloody shocked me reading that. The driver is totally scum to behave like that :imp:
Is the government introducing the CPC regulations next year, where all drivers have to attend a course? If so,I hope this character fails.
On the otherhand,perhaps the driver was nearing his four and half driving limit and was somewhat pressured

Had the same on the way back from the continent in my little austin allegro :wink:

:slight_smile: A classic indeed. How is it holding up?
Did you see this one on ebay? click here The seller was selling this one aswell

It was from a comany local to me and I considered popping in for a chat (and maybe giving the driver a knuckle sandwich to repay the favour

You should have done! Absolutely disgusting


Had the same on the way back from the continent in my little austin allegro :wink:

:slight_smile: A classic indeed. How is it holding up?
Did you see this one on ebay? click here The seller was selling this one aswell

It was from a comany local to me and I considered popping in for a chat (and maybe giving the driver a knuckle sandwich to repay the favour

You should have done! Absolutely disgusting

Its holding up very well thanks. I paid £50 for it, replaced the engine for a secondhand unit, did a few other bits (alot actually :unamused: ) and me and the missus, plus her mate and fella drove it to Germany and did a couple of laps of the Nurgburgring. Raised £1000 for the Smaritans of Stoke and Newcastle too. It really did us proud and never missed a beat but if you watch it long enough you can see it going rusty. :slight_smile:

Usually I tend to ignore tailgaters but this time I was especially hacked off because wed driven across the continent with no problems whatsoever only to end up with this plonker behind us on the M1

First time on the continent for me and I was impressed with the standard of driving. In the U.K its every man for himself!

I missed that 2 door allegrot on the bay, pity. Im looking for a good 2 door shell too!

did a couple of laps of the Nurgburgring.

Are you kidding?
Even though I’m an enthusiast towards performance Fords for example the Sierra Cosworth and so on,I don’t know what it is,but I would love to have an Allegro,or even a Maxi or a Princess

Raised £1000 for the Smaritans of Stoke and Newcastle too

good on you

First time on the continent for me and I was impressed with the standard of driving. In the U.K its every man for himself!

You haven’t been to Italy then :smiley: