Damage to truck

Have just had two weeks of work on the sick(twisted ankle) been to the yard this afternoon to put bedding back in ready for tomorrow(no bank holiday for us) to find my two month old unit and trailer parked in the corner of the yard well away from anything else, good i though plenty of room to park car next to unit to move stuff over
Will just have a quick look round to make sure its ok says me to wife it will be she says will just check anyway walk down n/s no problem round back no problem down o/s looks at top of trailer(fridge by the way) and there it is a hole in the top about 3 inch in diamiter plus the usual scrapes to go with it Ring the transport manager just going in to church ask if anybody has reported damage says he knows nothing about it but will be with me in ten mins if i will wait for him
He rings the blokes who have been on it while i have been off and no body knows about it he is not to happy so just to top him off i open the doors and show him inside the cab he says it looks like pigs have been inside it is booked in for a valet tomorrow morning(we also have a lad who works for us who does valeting) t/m says have a late start tomorrow when its been sorted .My point is why when they damage some thing why dont they report it as the firm we work for are pretty good we get very little stress from any body(own account haulage) untill some thing like this happends then we all get it :cry:

i know how you feel stan.it happened me a few times.had a dent on a new FH12 after a week off (not reported) a few years back.also there’s nothing worse than a dirty cab when you get back crumbs, dirt etc…we all can have little tips but just say something about it.i wouldn’t mind if my boss was a bit of a pig but he’s dead sound.i’ve never had any bother with him.we are a small family run company.
i’ve been off on the sick for the last 6 weeks myself too.my XF should be good when i go back next week.its only been out one day i think.it’s out at the garage all the time.

its that driver MR NOBODY who does all the damage.
i hate it when someone does damage like that and doesn’t own up.
good job you noticed otherwise you would be blamed for it.

Had similar situation at work as well.
I work at a builders merchants, we only have six wagons all rigids with hiab, two of them are remote control hiabs. So if one of the two drivers of those wagons are off muggins here has to hand over my wagon to an agency driver and I use the remote jobby. :sunglasses:
After a week the driver came back of his hols I handed the keys to his wagon. All happy etc, got keys to mine did a check round and found that the agency driver had reversed into something as the light cluster was broke, the under run bar bent, and the control box and levers to the hiab bent :open_mouth:
He never even reported it :open_mouth:
needless to say he has never been asked to come back and cover for sickness or holiday

am on a weeks holidays now and have been told that my truck and tautliner will be untouched for the week, i just washed her and filled her up before i finished up on friday, so we’ll see!

i dont believe a word of it though

a few weeks back i had damage to mine too, one of our night boys had lost concentration and wandered onto the dotted lines of a layby, only to take out my mirror on a wagon of a tramper sleep in aforementioned layby, just to rub salt into the wound it was one of our trampers lol, oh how foolish he felt.

i work on the agencies and report everything, even if it is a tiny scratch on the bumper, i think companies appreciate honesty and at least if you report it they can do something about it and plan for the wagon to be off the road for a day or two (obviously not for a scratch). i have had numerous bumps working for co-op but they just take them in thier stride.

the first few times i was on an artic didnt have a single bump then on about the fourth run in the muffin wagon witha box trailer i was spinning it round in a car park and heard a massive clang! slammed on the brakes, got out to have a look and there was no damage or anything to me or the cars around me. i was a bit miffed, reported it when i got back and the TM nearly wet himself laughing.

i asked what he was laughing at and he said i’m the third driver this week to report mysterious bumps and clangs with no damage, but then told me it was one of the roof panels was coming a bit lose at the rear of the panel and if you turn sharply the metal clangs a bit (i dont know how it does but this is what he said) they had a driver in the day before who was nearly in tears, it was his first ever day on artics!

just report it, its less hassle than not getting work!

I have been off since May and last week was my first week back, and after another post on here about clean cabs and me hating air fresheners and highly polished pedals, I have to say there are some dirty prats.

I did a check when I put my stuff back in, most of which was stored in boxes in the office. I noticed some damage had been repaired to a step. This damage was already there when I took the truck over in France last December.

Anyway, the bed was covered in black 5th wheel grease, probably ■■■■■ and other dubious liquids. I drove the truck and find the steering wheel is 90 degrees off line which puts the cruise control at the bottom of the wheel and the radio controls at the top :open_mouth:

The electric blinds dont work and the fuse box cover is broken.

I reported it by computer to France and was in the yard on Friday. Another driver came running across wanting to tell me how dirty the truck was left when I went off sick. I asked in the office who had driven the truck and it turns out that almost everyone in the company have had a go in it.

It turns out the damage that was repaired was due to the fact that the truck had been in a dyke and it had had a new bumper, mudguard. step panel and door panel, it was this which had broken the mirror and probably knocked or bent the steering. It is going in for valeting, and has to go back to France for the tracking and to straighten the steering.

I asked for a new mattress cover and they are trying to find me one :cry:

I am quite surprised the truck has been in a dyke, recovered, repaired and brought back to the yard, yet no-one knew about it in the office :open_mouth:

Reading these stories makes me glad I am in the fortunate sercumstance that when I am sick or on holiday my boss parks my truck up and nobody drives it. (Unless it is going for MOT).
I would be extremely angry if I found what you chaps have when you got back :imp: :imp: :imp:

When im off my truck goes to the garage wether it needs to or not :wink: :laughing:
Never been taken outa the yard by anyone else so far

ellies dad:
‘…Never been taken outa the yard by anyone else so far…’

Maybe they’re too used to an 85 kph limiter and possibly too afraid of going feeble minded at warp-speeds over that…?

Happy Keith:

ellies dad:
‘…Never been taken outa the yard by anyone else so far…’

Maybe they’re too used to an 85 kph limiter and possibly too afraid of going feeble minded at warp-speeds over that…?

I dont get it

My sympathies, Stan, it is annoying to say the least.

I would say though that you’re fortunate to have a gaffer who’s understanding enough to sort the job out at the company’s expense. Not all of us are that lucky; your man obviously has the sense to look after good drivers.

ellies dad:
I dont get it

It was a feeble reference to the Free State wagons being, er, ‘better-pullers’ than most others. Sorry …I’ll try harder next time