Daily Spreads.

Im trying to structure my weekly working in such a way, as to maximise my working, and drivng time. I cant for the life of me recall what the brekdown of spreads are in a week. I originally thought it was 2x 15, 3x 13. Then I thought again and thought this was prob wrong. Now im thinking Im a ■■■ and cant remember didley squat. Can anyone refresh my memory??

you can do 3 reduced daily rest (same as a 15) as many 13’s as you like and only 2 10hr drives

Don’t forget the 90 hours driving in any consecutive 2 weeks.

56 hours in week 1, means only 34 in week 2

Im trying to structure my weekly working in such a way, as to maximise my working, and drivng time. I cant for the life of me recall what the brekdown of spreads are in a week. I originally thought it was 2x 15, 3x 13. Then I thought again and thought this was prob wrong. Now im thinking Im a ■■■ and cant remember didley squat. Can anyone refresh my memory??

It’s about daily rest periods really but if you really want to think of it as daily spread-overs then you can do three 15 hour shifts between two weekly rest periods (excluding split daily rest periods).

To put it correctly you can have 3 reduced daily rest periods between two weekly rest periods.

You can extend the 9 hours daily driving limit to 10 hours twice a week (that’s a fixed week).

You can drive for a maximum of 56 hours in a fixed week and 90 hours in any two consecutive weeks.