Dai! Did you chain it down Bach?

Ummm… maybe?

itv.com/news/wales/update/20 … n-narbeth/

Looks like a digger and a dump truck to me :open_mouth:

Looks like a P45 in the post to me :laughing:

just as well jess wasnt in the back of the van at the time

Oh Christ, lets hope the driver doesn’t turn out to be a member off here and has followed my advice of strapping loads on the nearside only.

Oh Christ, lets hope the driver doesn’t turn out to be a member off here and has followed my advice of strapping loads on the nearside only.


Looks like tractor trailer not hgv no rear markers

The fault lies with whichever local told the driver to “Go up by yurr, see”.

Isn’t it, look you. :stuck_out_tongue:

Looks like a P45 in the post to me :laughing:

Ooo good one…

I saw what you did there.

Royal Mail strike - you’re doing it wrong!

Looks like a digger and a dump truck to me :open_mouth:

Looks like the digger bucket was being used to hold the dumper in place?
And the dumper was wedging the digger against the head board?


Looks like a digger and a dump truck to me :open_mouth:

Looks like the digger bucket was being used to hold the dumper in place?
And the dumper was wedging the digger against the head board?

Well you know what they say…

If you make something fool proof some fool will prove you wrong :wink:

just as well jess wasnt in the back of the van at the time

He’s OK as was in the other van, a mate at an RDC told me so …

One of the locals ain’t to happy with the tractor driver responsible :smiley:

Seeing the speeds Russell Thomas drives his tractor, it’s a wonder he’s not killed someone with his driving and like most farmers around here, they never strap down their loads. The attitude of “it won’t go anywhere” is a joke and all farmers flout the law.
I hope Russll doesn’t get off with this and is thrown the book.

I didn’t even know it was a farm tractor and trailer, going with the little information from my original link I for some reason assumed it was a rigid lorry I don’t know why. :neutral_face:

I guess he’ll probably just get a warning and told to use more bale twine next time… :slight_smile:

One of the locals ain’t to happy with the tractor driver responsible :smiley:

‘Seeing the speeds Russell Thomas drives his tractor’ …

I’m disappointed his name isn’t Dai, and even more disappointed there wasn’t one bit of baling twine holding that kit on! :grimacing:
