Daf Xg bluetooth microphone problem

I just got a new XG (upgrade from the old shape XF) and people now seem to have a problem hearing me when i’m on the phone.

Apparently its all cackled, noisy and people are struggling to understand me. I never had this problem in the XF

First of all, where is the microphone fitted about and secondly, does anyone know what might be causing it or how to adjust it?

I spent a week in a new XG a fortnight ago and nobody reported any problems hearing me.

I’d suggest unpairing the phone and then repairing it to see if that helps.

Sorry I can’t help further.

Yes had the same , tried everything & went back to a ear piece when in a xg/ xf.

Our XF new gens are fine I’d say report it as an issue to try and get it sorted, no idea where the mic is off hand and there is next to zero settings on the media unit to change pretty much anything on them. Unless you can find a way to get get into an engineering mode maybe to look at mic sensitivity settings etc.

Just a thought; this may sound stupid, but you never know…. In the past I’ve had problems hearing those who call me and they’ve had problems hearing me and the problem simply was that despite having the volume turned to full in the vehicle I actually had the volume turned down on the phone itself.

Always go for the simplest and cheapest fix first.

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