DAF unusual steering problem

Hi guys got a bit of an unusual question.
My truck is a DAF CF 6x2 builders merchant wagon.
Had problems with leaking from steering which has eventually seen the steering box replaced
Problem is now from the straight ahead position the steering wheel only turns about two turns either way and the wheels dont turn at the same angle they used to.
The other similar truck we have gets four turns each way.
Truck is going back into garage but was wondering if anyone has a clue to what problem might be.

Yep, the problem is you drive a DAF

When you say the wheels don’t turn at the same angle do you mean you’re not getting the same lock?

Yeah mate.
Garage picked truck up and brought it back an hour later all sorted.
Apparently when they fitted steering box they should hav jacked truck up and turned the wheel fully round to be “set it”.:man_shrugging:

Aye sounded like it hadn’t been set properly.