DAF radio crap

Currently running around in a 60 plate XF, and the radio reception is a bit hissy at times. even the stations that use RDS can be a bit crap.

Anyone else had this problem in a DAF?


Some of our cf’s are like that with the aerial lead coming loose at the back of the cab

Don’t you just hate it when it hisses in the middle of your favourite song :frowning: , or half way through an interesting discussion :imp: or switches channel every other sentence :smiling_imp: until it becomes bliss when you turn the dam thing off! ! :unamused:
Then it blows a fuse !! :open_mouth: & the 'forced unpon you ’ silence is … :neutral_face: :neutral_face: :frowning:
Until the workshop guys fix it…& it starts all over again :stuck_out_tongue:

Both of our CFs (one is an 02 reg so you can excuse that) lose/switch stations inexplicably. I’ve also had the o/s speaker suddenly stop working recently.
The speakers vibrate a lot also when lorry is idling.

My last 3 105’s have all ended up like that.
The aerial is mounted inside the head lining above the drivers side door and it uses a powered amplifier to overcome the fact it’s inside the cab and not mounted on the outside.
The amplifiers seem to be ok for the first couple of years from new but then they seem to gradually fail and give the symptoms you describe.
But even when new, the reception in a Daf is no where near as good as the Merc’s and Volvo’s on our fleet.

my Daf radio drops down to volume 10 every couple of minutes :frowning: put it back up to 14 or 15,then it drops back down again…any ideas anyone?

Currently running around in a 60 plate XF, and the radio reception is a bit hissy at times. even the stations that use RDS can be a bit crap.

Anyone else had this problem in a DAF?


gosh i wish that all i had to worry abaht is a duff radio in a lorry, Get some cd’s kings of leon do some good songs :unamused:

As pendragon said .the only way round it is to put an arial on the back of the cab run the cable round and change the radio as it does not have a normal arial fitting also need two 12v droppers one for the radio one for the continuity feed. It’s a right pain in the aris .daf do a conversion wire thing for the arial socket on back of radio but it costs more than a radio with all the toys on from halfords

my Daf radio drops down to volume 10 every couple of minutes :frowning: put it back up to 14 or 15,then it drops back down again…any ideas anyone?

There’s one at our work place which has a disappearing volume when you turn it up :confused: You’ve got to really twist the button & press in hard to get it to work. :unamused: :smiley: :

my Daf radio drops down to volume 10 every couple of minutes :frowning: put it back up to 14 or 15,then it drops back down again…any ideas anyone?

Some radios have a speed setting faster you louder it gets slow down goes quiet check the setting for that

At least you won’t hear Steve Wright spoiling every song when he sings on it, talks on it , or cuts it short at the end.
Or that Welsh news reader on Radio One, of which I can not understand a word he says.
Or most female presenters that go on and on about their offspring, what they did, ate or the kids birthday party, name dropping famous people that pop round for a cuppa.