DAF CF rear suspension problem

Anyone had any problems with a CF, (Or even an XF) rear air suspension blowing up to max on it’s own?

I currently pilot a CF Sky Cab, and around 2 months ago, the back end just raised itself, for no reason at all. The mid axle then came down at the same time, and the light on the speedo came on to say the suspension was up. No pushing of the button on the dash made any difference, nor did the ECAS remote.

Now as we run very light, it wasn’t down to weight on the pin. Our local repairer replaced a valve on the mid axle, but I knew it wasn’t that, but that’s what got fitted. It seemed fine when it was dry, but now it’s wet, it is doing it again, and I suspect the load sensing valve on the right hand side of the chassis at the rear is fubarred, or water is getting into the plug shorting it out.

It has been reported again, and it is going in on Friday to hopefully be sorted, as I have told the garage what I think it is.

Anyone else had this problem?


My LF’s air suspension raises and lowers itself ocassioanlly, our mechanic tells me “they do that”

Endless problems with 1 yr old cf. Ended up with Daf replacing the whole system, still not working properley.

Had same problem with Renault T cab. Recovery had to reinstall software into ecu

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Iirc when the vehcile senses enough load on the rear axle it drops the tag/pusher and Im also assuming adds air to the rear bags to keep it level.
Have you tried another in cab controller as they are always causing issues.

Had it happen once after hooking up a trailer and lifting up the suspension. It was a pipe going over the mid axle to a valve above the axle that broke because apparently DAF made the pipe too short, the fix being to cut both ends square and put in an additional length of pipe. However you’d hear it making a wierd noise and dropping the air like a good un.

I have been unable to find the relevant jobcard but ISTR a similar fault with a fairly elderly 4x2 CF which was caused by a corroded earth return on the in-cab side of one of the cab bulkhead connectors.

There is a sensor for the mid lift axle that can fail,it should read ambient pressure but can occasionally fail ,or what some people do is blank it which is to their benefit …Though generally with your fault it is a height sensor that fails …But without knowing it is difficult to say …Sadly nowdays a fault code is required as there is so many issues that can cause a specific fault code …I long for the days when I could repair a vehicle in an hour ,unlike now when I you are lucky to have a clue what is happening with in an hour …There is no such thing as a 5 min job on a EURO6 vehicle…For all it’s faults a EURO5 vehicle was the last of quick fixes

Mine is a 61 plate so should be a Euro 5.


There is no such thing as a 5 min job on a EURO6 vehicle.

Took them 5 minutes to do the fix on the problem I described above.

In it went today, and I described the problem with it. Told them that if I unplugged the right hand side at the back of the chassis, it resets itself, but then soon does it again.

It looks like the height level/load sensing valve that is at fault, just as I said, and they are going to replace at least the drivers side, with a view to doing both sides.

I will find out on Monday morning.
