Can anybody tell me what the USB socket is for also small jack plug type socket on the center set of switches on a 12 plate 105
Hi it’s an auxillary socket for radio, to plug yr phone In or mp3 to listen to yr music on radio.
And the usb socket can be used to plug in a usb pen to play mp3 files off
There are those of us who are still getting used to the idea of radios & cigarette lighters.
The USB will also charge an iPhone but slowly but I cud not get it to read files of a USB stick I prob had wrong format
It will also charge your electric ■■■ should you have one.
If you have issues with it reading your mp3 files directly from a memory stick then you can format the files in either Media Player (free on your PC should come with it) or iTunes
I presume you can plug an iPod in to the USB port & play your tunes.
use the jack plug for ipods n stuff
Retired Old ■■■■:
There are those of us who are still getting used to the idea of radios & cigarette lighters.
And heaters and windows you don’t have to wind up and power steering…