D2 form


I thought I would post this to see If anybody else
has had the same trouble as me getting the D2
form. I went to my local post office and got D4
the medical form and have got that signed but I got
D1 Instead of D2. So I went back the next day and asked
for D2 and they never looked for it and said
try main post office in rotherham as they dont do
lgv and psv forms even though I got the medical form
from them. So I sent my brother to rotherham
and they tried to give him D1 but he knew I wanted
D2 so he asked her for that and she said try DVLA or
a training school as they dont do lgv and psv forms
either.So I was wondering if you can still get the D2 forms
from post offices.

If anyone cannot get a D2 form also phone -
08702400009 (DVLA).

Mine should come next week from DVLA hopefully.

I had the same problem. Went to Swinton post office and said I needed aforementioned form. Much scuttling under desks and upstaires ensued. After about twenty minutes postmaster comes down and opens this leaflet from the DVLA and says ’ as it says here lad, you need to phone t’DVLA and get it off them’. Fair enough I thought, come home, phone DVLA and its in my hand within two days. Then off to local GP for the medical - gets through it fine and he says ‘that’ll be 75 quid’, so I replies ‘heres 80’ - he comes back and gives me a tenner :exclamation: - hes got no change. Can’t be bad charging 75 smackers for 10 mins work [ZB]. :imp: :imp: :imp:

Hi scott79,

Thanks for your reply. I thought It was just my
bad luck or face did not fit or something. Mine
is not hear yet but I only posted it Wednesday
morning 1 st class stamp though. How far
have you got have you got licence back yet
and booked theory test.

I’ve got my license back - had it for a while cos had to do some thinking about what career I wanted to persue - had a date to go police selection but have now binned it - have got my theory test on next saturday in sheff - booked it online, all very easy, cant wait to get trained and get driving :wink:

The best of luck to both of you.
Anything we can help with, ask.


scott79 good look with theory test. How long did
It take from booking the theory test to the test date
as I am trying to work out when I should book mine
as I have just bought my theory book today and want
to work out a time frame to give me the time to lurn it
but not have weeks to wait for the theory test date.
Thanks Simon for your reply and I am sure I will find
something to ask :smiley:

I bought today -
Highway code book
DSA The official theory test for drivers of large vehicles
Focus cd’s
Could not find Driving Manual though.

I booked my theory test online so I didnt have to wait for a test date - you can see on the website what dates are available. I wanted mine on a saturday so I’ve had to wait abit longer because they are in demand. As for the timeframe for learning the contents of the theory test book I think 3 to 4 weeks should have it covered. If you want to do some serious studying then no more than a couple of weeks :wink: There’s nothing in there thats hard to learn, the only bits that I have to go back to are the ones to do with lengths and widths of vehicle.
Hope this helps

Thanks scott79 you have answered my questions

cheers :slight_smile:

the only real worries in theory test book to learn are:

hgv specific technical stuff (airline colours etc, still asked for rigid test cos once you got it no need to do it again for artic).
handling questions (when is a lorry most likely to jacknife, etc).
accident procedures
braking systems.

while I had the book, I read it for 2 hours the once and that was it. I learned the vitals on a course where a day was spent boning up on the specific stuff.

signs etc is all common sense really and even the above can be to an extent.

betcha get a question about why tacho regs were introduced, the options being 2 or 3 from 6, including fair competition, road safety and working conditions etc. from what I gather, everyone gets that.

as for hazard perception, practice until you’re sick and tired of it on the practice products but remember its not a 100% accurate replica. the real clips travel slower, are more clear and the hazards more obvious IMHO. Click once immediately when you spot the hazard - this is when you’d mirror check to see its safe to slow down if needs be. click again when you’d lift off the gas. click again when you’d put gentle pressure on the brake to scrub minimal speed necessary, click again when you’d begin braking hard and steering to avoid an emergency stop. the clip of course carries on relentlessly and so clicking at these times almost guarantees a hit in the scoring zone and should do well enough in sufficient clips to pass. it is after all a computer game where it’s guess the scoring zone, and sod all to do with perceiving hazards - we as even ordinary drivers should spot them before they have a chance to develop and make sure they don’t. golden rule 1 - don’t get involved! :smiley:

Hi el gordo 78,

My D2 form as not come yet from dvla and has
been a week now so I phoned yesterday and
they said they will send it direct so hopefully
I will get it before the weekend. On the theory
test book I am on chapter 6 the road and should
be ready for the test in 2 to 3 weeks and would
like to book the theory test but I dont now if i can
book it with not haveing licence yet and If I could book
it would the licence be back for test date as I think you
have to take your licence.

I am not to bothered by the theory test but did not know
what expect for hazard perception test. I got 50 out of
75 on focus cd and that was a fail but on the dsa web
site they say 50 out of 75 is a pass but on second
attempt I passed by getting 67 out of 75 so I am
improving :slight_smile:

If I remember from my theory test two years back, its not possible to book a test until you have your provisional, and you certainly need the licence to attend the theory test.

Hi petrock,

I will just have to wait for the form to come
or I will try a training school. DVLA are
blaming the postal service. the dvla say
when you ring for a form they press a button
which then is automatically sent out :confused:

I thought I would just let you all know
the D2 form arrived today.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: