D2 form your conduct section

Does anybody know how far back you need to go with this.
In the past I had a conviction for IN10 but I don’t even know the date of the offence or anything now or how to find out.
I was 15 plus years ago so it has long gone from my licence.
Thanks James

Forget it - - oh yes you already have!

Seriously, dont worry about it.

Pete S :laughing: :laughing:

Thanks for the reply. Was just a bit worried that I would get the form rejected for not declaring it.

The annoying thing is I got it driving a tractor that was insured, but only for business use. And the police decided that a detour on the way home to get food ment it was been used for personal use.

Thanks for the reply. Was just a bit worried that I would get the form rejected for not declaring it.

The annoying thing is I got it driving a tractor that was insured, but only for business use. And the police decided that a detour on the way home to get food ment it was been used for personal use.

IN 10 is spent after 4 years so I doubt it would be a problem in your case.