D Day

oh well its here at last…

tomorrow i hit the road for the first time with my new job and career. driving a M.A.N 6 wheeler, 6am start from manchester with 3 drops north of London (stevenage, luton and somewhere else!!). going out with one of the regular drivers who will show me the ropes and split the driving with.

can’t wait. feel like its the night before christmas. will see how i feel after tomorrow… (probably knackered and stressed out, i reckon it will be murder on the roads down south the day before good friday!!)

hey ho, lets go

Nice one Bigjoe, have a good day. :laughing:

good luck mate, don’t forget the write up!

enjoy it joe

i got a run to watford tomorrow so i you see a red richmond rental 6 lregger with a moffet on the back give us a wave :laughing: :laughing:

Good luck BigJoe, got to get off my rear end tomorrow myself. Run for Peter Black. Don’t know where to yet, agency work 06-30 start :wink:.

good luck bigjoe :wink:

Good luck mate - tell us all about it!!

Good luck bigjoe :smiley: And have a good day.