D day has come for me

Well after three & a bit days of training done today at 10:30 i will be taking my class 1C+E test at purfleet test center. Just would like to say big thank you to all that have wished me good luck. I will let you know how i get on a bit later on today.

Well D day come & went for me at purfleet test centre & i passed YES I PASSED MY CLASS ONE TEST TODAY GET IN THERE !!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: So again BIG thanks to those who wish me luck. Now to find someone who will give me a start drivering for them. :sunglasses:

Congrats fella, well done !

Well done drive, now get those boots polished and give the high viz a wash. :slight_smile:

Nice one mate, congratulations. I’m just starting out learning so I can imagine how it feels.

If you’ve a mind to it would be interesting to read how you found the learning, the test, etc

Good on ya mate. :wink:

And good luck getting a start.

nice one fella :smiley:

Result there chap, well done.

Congratulations. A great result.

Congratulations, fantastic news!

Well done. Treat yourself, have a glass or nine of whiskey. :smiley:

Well done Russ - top man!!!

Congrats. Well done.

It is a tradition for new passes to get the teas in, i take two sugars and milk when you see me. :smiley:

well done :smiley: