кеннеди гонсалеса есть воп

Just off to get my anglo-russian dictionary wont be long :grimacing:

My Russian is a little rusty, but here goes…This is something to do with really expensive shoes for girls :sunglasses:

Fly, I think it says, … here are your reload details…

Well it translates as “Kennedy Gonzalez is SPM”

what the … :slight_smile:

fly sheet:
Just off to get my anglo-russian dictionary wont be long :grimacing:

Bit wierd this is, I did’nt post this & the origional post has vanished!!! :astonished: :astonished: :astonished:

I did post this comment in response to a load of Cyrillic Script someone had posted…WTF

Если у нас есть раздел русское это дает мне шанс показать один из вагонов русском я взял, когда я был в Финляндии

If there is any swearing in it Diesel Dave will be along pronto as he speaks and reads a bit of ski :stuck_out_tongue:

Wheel Nut:
If there is any swearing in it Diesel Dave will be along pronto as he speaks and reads a bit of ski :stuck_out_tongue:

There is no swearing unless Google translate misunderstood what I was saying.