cycle paths

Don’t know why the Government spend all this money on cycle ways/paths and routes ,costing hundreds and thousands of pounds.Over the last 2 months i have notice that a lot of cyclist don’t bother using said cycle routes, they prefer to ride on the road when clearly it would be safer for them and everybody else to be on the cycle route.
Not got a problem with cyclists in general they have as much right to use the highway like the rest of us?
But only the other day was coming out of Manchester on the A580 and clearly there is a cycle route all marked up sign posted etc the lot??
Anyway there i was driving along minding my own business, traffic was quite heavy next thing got 2 middle age lycra clad “PLEBS” coming up the inside of the truck, traffic starts moving again by this time they are in front of me so indicator goes on white van man flashes me out,out i go pull past the cyclists all good??
Traffic lights turn red, cyclists again come up the inside of the truck? made the gap as small as possible but they still managed to get up the inside of the truck, lights change off we go, indicator on over take them again?
Next set of lights truck is tight to the curb not coming up the inside this time!! so they decide to come down the outside this time!! again pull in front of me. you get the picture ■■? :smiley: Now staring to get a bit annoyed
Next set of lights this lycra clad plebs starts having a go? saying i am a disgrace shouldn’t be allowed to be on the road etc he told me he had it all on camera about me blocking his path at the lights and he was going to report me to the police blah blah blah
Pointed out the cycle path to him and told him he should be using it and not the road!! to which i got a called a few names and he showed me how to rattle coffee beans and what he did while he was a teenager, peeping at his mum while she was in the shower :smiley:
In my opinion cyclist should be fined for being on the road when there is a dedicated cycle path for them to use !!

I too have had this same problem it got very annoying keep having to overtake waiting for on coming traffic to let me in the on coming lane.

Had a tricky one the other day, there was a car parked on the road in my lane. There was no cycle lane and as I was over taking the car a cyclist came out of a nearby corner and biked quickly up on my inside between me and the parked car. Bearing in mine it was a small road I had no more room on my right side to move over I thought this was a rather stupid thing to do. The person in question just looked up at my window looking worried as I stopped half way through over taking the car to let the cyclist through.

Sounds like the usual catch 22, traffic moving fast enough for clear overtaking of the cyclists but traffic lights going against you.

Course you could hold back and slow down letting them ride off into the distance but that would upset everyone else, bit of a damned if you do damned if you don’t.

Wonder if some cyclists think cycle paths are for slower bikes and not those who have lycra on.

Sounds like the usual catch 22, traffic moving fast enough for clear overtaking of the cyclists but traffic lights going against you.

Course you could hold back and slow down letting them ride off into the distance but that would upset everyone else, bit of a damned if you do damned if you don’t.

Wonder if some cyclists think cycle paths are for slower bikes and not those who have lycra on.

Thinks they should have training about how to use the road proper■■?
The point i was trying to make was, if there is a cycle path then it should be used if not they should be fined
They don’t spend all that money on cycle paths for no reason…?

Fixed penalty fines for not using a cycle path and inconveniencing other road users could work.

After 3 goes at this game, & you have every right to Run Over the Pair of Them !
Just like running over a Dumb Rabbit Or Hedgehog. (You wouldn’t even have to report it) LOL !

Seriously ! I would have just stayed behind them until it looked like there were no more traffic lights.

After 3 goes at this game, & you have every right to Run Over the Pair of Them !
Just like running over a Dumb Rabbit Or Hedgehog. (You wouldn’t even have to report it) LOL !

Seriously ! I would have just stayed behind them until it looked like there were no more traffic lights.

Not bothered about pulling round them when there is no cycle path?? :smiley:
They have as much right to use the road same as me??
The point is they should have been on the cycle path and not on the road■■?

push bikes are a pain in the arse,simples.

they should be registered with a plate on the back (endorsable if not registered and registered user not using at the time of being pulled over).

the government are quick enough fining drivers for stopping in a yellow box with their cameras but cycles just jump red lights,go the wrong way up one way streets,ride up the inside of traffic etc with no come backs.

Sounds like complete lycra clad bell ends! Yes they have a right to be on the road but when a cycle path is provided it should be law they use it, but like everything else be difficult to police. If they used the cycle path they wouldn’t be chopping in and outta traffic getting in the way. Unfortuantly some of the lycra clan have a pretty poor attitude and believe they own the road and are always in the right

Just stay behind them 'till clear of anymore lights is what I’d have done. It aint really gonna spoil your day is it? Not half as much as wearing bracelets in the back of a police car would do. Plus, being morally right doesn’t make the court case easier.

In my opinion cyclist should be fined for being on the road when there is a dedicated cycle path for them to use !!

Heavily find plus they should have their bike scrapped :imp: :exclamation:

i cant see how they have as much rights to use the roads they dont pay road tax i say run em over they clearly deserve it

Hedon Road in Hull is terrible for it. I saw a friend of mine riding on the road down there and when I asked him why he wasn’t using the cycle lane he said it was because there was some broken glass in places, and he didn’t want a puncture. I said to him you can fix a flat tyre, a flat body is a bit more difficult. To his credit, he took on board what I said and avoids the glass :wink:

If you feel so strong about cyclists using cycle paths maybe you should try using them yourselves before judging others.
Granted some cycle paths are fine but there are an awful lot that are not.

Another reason cyclists use the road is that a lot of cycle paths are not suitable for any great speed.

If you feel so strong about cyclists using cycle paths maybe you should try using them yourselves before judging others.
Granted some cycle paths are fine but there are an awful lot that are not.

Another reason cyclists use the road is that a lot of cycle paths are not suitable for any great speed.

So exactly what is it that makes cycle paths not ‘fine’ in your view and makes the risk of using the roads instead a better bet :unamused: .As for the speed issue the roads aren’t there to be used as a private race track for cyclists in just the same way that cycle paths aren’t.As I’ve said I found the pavements let alone purpose built cycle paths ‘fine’ for cycling on and a lot less risky than cycling on the road before I was a old enough to drive a car.That of course was using a cycle that wasn’t geared for running at tour de france type speeds.


If you feel so strong about cyclists using cycle paths maybe you should try using them yourselves before judging others.
Granted some cycle paths are fine but there are an awful lot that are not.

Another reason cyclists use the road is that a lot of cycle paths are not suitable for any great speed.

So exactly what is it that makes cycle paths not ‘fine’ in your view and makes the risk of using the roads instead a better bet :unamused: .As for the speed issue the roads aren’t there to be used as a private race track for cyclists in just the same way that cycle paths aren’t.As I’ve said I found the pavements let alone purpose built cycle paths ‘fine’ for cycling on and a lot less risky than cycling on the road before I was a old enough to drive a car.That of course was using a cycle that wasn’t geared for running at tour de france type speeds.

There really is no point trying to reason with you.I have used many cycle paths that are unsuitable to ride on.How many have you used in the last year?
Regarding the speed issue.Who mentioned anything about private race tracks apart from you.Some cyclists just want to be able to ride at a decent which is impossible on a lot of paths.It is the same as a lorry driver wants to drive at a decent pace.Nobody likes to be held up and that in itself is the biggest part of the problem.More patience required.
How you even begin to believe that cyclists should be on pavements along side pedestrians shows your total lack of knowledge regarding the whole situation.
Cyclists have as much right to be on the roads as anyone else and the way things are going it is the motorists that will be restricted rather than the cyclists.



If you feel so strong about cyclists using cycle paths maybe you should try using them yourselves before judging others.
Granted some cycle paths are fine but there are an awful lot that are not.

Another reason cyclists use the road is that a lot of cycle paths are not suitable for any great speed.

So exactly what is it that makes cycle paths not ‘fine’ in your view and makes the risk of using the roads instead a better bet :unamused: .As for the speed issue the roads aren’t there to be used as a private race track for cyclists in just the same way that cycle paths aren’t.As I’ve said I found the pavements let alone purpose built cycle paths ‘fine’ for cycling on and a lot less risky than cycling on the road before I was a old enough to drive a car.That of course was using a cycle that wasn’t geared for running at tour de france type speeds.

There really is no point trying to reason with you.I have used many cycle paths that are unsuitable to ride on.How many have you used in the last year?
Regarding the speed issue.Who mentioned anything about private race tracks apart from you.Some cyclists just want to be able to ride at a decent which is impossible on a lot of paths.It is the same as a lorry driver wants to drive at a decent pace.Nobody likes to be held up and that in itself is the biggest part of the problem.More patience required.
How you even begin to believe that cyclists should be on pavements along side pedestrians shows your total lack of knowledge regarding the whole situation.
Cyclists have as much right to be on the roads as anyone else and the way things are going it is the motorists that will be restricted rather than the cyclists.

There’s not much point in trying to reason with the raving cyclist supporting community like you.‘Restricted’ in this case will just mean ever increasing numbers of flattened cyclists and ever increasing numbers of convicted drivers for flattening them. :unamused:

As with all road users there are those that use the road within the rules and regulation, law, highway code with courtesy, planning and forethought, and, then there are those that don’t.

I have nothing against any good road user, just bad one’s regardless of their chosen mode of conveyance.

This road user (happens to be a cyclist, sorry) showed none of these on a slight incline. I was weighing in at 42 tonnes and despite how wide the road looks it’s only a couple of feet wider than the lorry, you can see him at the video start going left to right. … QQ-Zgk__0U

Points I noticed, no checking behind, no indication, no slowing down/stopping signal, stopped on double yellows. Out of courtesy/safety he could of dismounted and caught his breath whilst standing on the pavement, hence no planning or forethought.

After reading a lot of posts I thought I would highlight what I consider to be a pretty bad example of road craft.

Full PPE had been donned for any flak thrown my way!

Carryfast wrote:
albion1971 wrote:
If you feel so strong about cyclists using cycle paths maybe you should try using them yourselves before judging others.
Granted some cycle paths are fine but there are an awful lot that are not.

Another reason cyclists use the road is that a lot of cycle paths are not suitable for any great speed.

So exactly what is it that makes cycle paths not ‘fine’ in your view and makes the risk of using the roads instead a better bet :unamused: .As for the speed issue the roads aren’t there to be used as a private race track for cyclists in just the same way that cycle paths aren’t.As I’ve said I found the pavements let alone purpose built cycle paths ‘fine’ for cycling on and a lot less risky than cycling on the road before I was a old enough to drive a car.That of course was using a cycle that wasn’t geared for running at tour de france type speeds.

There really is no point trying to reason with you.I have used many cycle paths that are unsuitable to ride on.How many have you used in the last year?
Regarding the speed issue.Who mentioned anything about private race tracks apart from you.Some cyclists just want to be able to ride at a decent which is impossible on a lot of paths.It is the same as a lorry driver wants to drive at a decent pace.Nobody likes to be held up and that in itself is the biggest part of the problem.More patience required.
How you even begin to believe that cyclists should be on pavements along side pedestrians shows your total lack of knowledge regarding the whole situation.
Cyclists have as much right to be on the roads as anyone else and the way things are going it is the motorists that will be restricted rather than the cyclists.

As I’ve said on a previous post and got called a moron and I shouldn’t have driving licence and it should be taken away from me for having a dim view on cyclists

I’ve got nothing against cyclist they are some cracking ones who obey all the laws but I’ve found most don’t so I think the following changes should be brought in

Cyclist should have to do some form of Compulsory basic training which includes HGV space needed blind spots etc

Rear Number plate (so there enforceable for traffic offences etc and easier to track
(would make it alot easier to find the “responsible” cyclist who in lyrca shorts eyes had more right to be there then she did (appears to be in a "no bike zone as well)

Compulsory 3rd party insurance as needed with any other vehicle used in a public space (and a online database as well linked to that number plate)

also I think the people (there’s 2-3) on this forum who should be on cycle net should get get banned or have any post with the word cycle in moderated cause all they do is hammer there point home to people on a TRUCK forum saying they’ve got more rights then anyone and throw insults out at people (funny though there here cause they drive trucks for a living and it pays there bills, hauls there bike bits to the shop) yes there’s tw@ts in trucks but I don’t go around the other forums leaping out defending them hurling insults out at anyone what opposes them
