Customers ? They can kiss my backside

I’m pretty new to this game and having been brought up in customer service tend to bend over a little, but now that’s out the window

Long story cut short…

Yesterday I ended up having to handball 3 pallet loads of good to a small supermarket cause they’d collapsed, all because I was trying to satisfy a customer. The end result was her writing on my notes something to the effect, in big bold letters “ This is the most bombastic ignoramus excuse for a man I’d ever encountered, I never want to see him again and will be complaining to head office”. This was after me busting a gut, without any help worth mentioning for 4 hours. Today I turned down work cause I’m aching all over…

Funny thing was, when I returned (after a 16 hr day) one of the office bods was entering my notes into the putter and asked me what the time’s were. As this particular note was staring us in the face, it may as well not been there for what notice he was taking but it was a great tale so thought I’d bring to his attention. The upshot was, they, and I was assured, no one, gives a ■■■■ what customers say and it would definitely not go any further.

I’m beginning to realise from the few months I’ve been driving that really, nobody does give a ■■■■ and that’s very reassuring

Must give you this bit from that drop. Their last pallet, while it didn’t collapse, was a little like the leaning tower by the time I’d got it off the truck, and this is on a hill. So gave the women a shout that they’d have to carry the stuff in. I began to pick off the top boxes when the manager decide she was going to push me aside and tear away at the plastic wrap. I asked her to stop this for obvious reasons, she wouldn’t so asked her again, she was standing downside while doing this. She then said I should sit back in my truck while they did the unpacking as that’s all I was good for, guess what I did… A traffic warden had been hanging around all afternoon and came over to me and said “ I see you’ve got your ■■■■■■■ to unload for you” :slight_smile:

i was in a local shop a while ago and there was a truck delivering the goods, anyway pretty similar to your story the driver and the ■■■■■ in charge of the shop had had a bit of a disagreement so the driver just left it at that and walked to the back of his truck, i was still in the shop and overheard her calling him quite a few bad names one involving a part of the female anatomy we all love :wink:.

So in the honour of being a truck driver i went out and told the driver what had been said gave him my name and address and told him to let his boss know i would witness what had been said as i was shocked at the womans language, i never heard from them but i bet he felt good that day knowing a customer of the store would back him up :slight_smile::).

We have a French Customer who thinks everyone has to jump at their beckon call :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Valerie Coulthard is the Purchase Officer, she sent me an email demanding (Not asking) for 1,000 Hour Guards, unfortunately 2 things she was unaware of, 1st the French Timers need to be ordered in from China as the text is screenprinted during manufacture therefore there is a 3 month lead time.

I replied to her fax stating the agreement with her employers was 3 months from date of order, which is where she made mistake number 2 :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

She promptly replied telling me to get off my backside and speak to my employer to “Speed” the order up, she was in a higher position than me and knew the Managing Director of Capitol Enterprises very well, and would ensure that I was dismissed for “Delaying” her order :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
It was obvious she had allowed stock to get too low before re-ordering

My Email reply to her simply went something like:

In reply to your order request, please feel free to arrange for my dismissal, I believe you do know the managing Director of this company very well, after he threatened to cancel a meeting with your managing director after you told him to take a taxi from his hotel in Lyon to your office premises, if I recall correctly, you were personally chastised by your managing director for making such an order and were actually replaced by a younger member of staff who translated the meeting that day.

If you are not prepared to deal with ME in a reasonable manner, I am sure your employer Mr P Gazo would be very interested indeed, as for my last communication with you, the lead time is 3 months and 3 months it will be, as purchasing officer, you will probably learn to order stock in good time on the next occassion.

Wishing you a good day

D Driver

Managing Director

Needless to say an apology did arrive claiming she was under stress :unamused:

And despite the orders being worth around £20k I Flamin well hate them :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

Fantastic Davey. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Customer Service has always been quite important to me… Like all of us who have been in a customer facing role, the abuse you get from so called civilised human beings is appalling. I like to be treated the same way I treat others, its not difficult to say please or thank you… However, when you have bent over backwards for these people and they repay you with phone calls to your TM accusing you of all sorts of faeces… I start to get a little disilusioned with the human race…

I had been waiting outside one of our stores for a while, so they could get themselves ready. I was there on time but had to wait about 20 minutes, we have to tip and reload within 1 hour so all I had left was approx. 40 minutes…

Eventually, I got onto the bay and waited for the seal to be checked, and waited and waited and still waited while they finished their cup of tea, moved a few cages, made some space etc. etc. All that was left, time wise was about 20 minutes… Okay, says the back door geezer, lets get cracking, its nearly dinner time… 45 cages later, he says, ya have to pull off drive, and use the tail lift to back load the RSU (rubbish) Okay Boss, says I, see ya outside…

20 minutes later, I walk back in and find them tea in hand, trying to look busy… anyone gonna help with this backload guys? says I, the reply, not yet drive, aint got the time, ya just have to wait…

I got me notes, signed of course, closed the back up walked back to the cab and was accosted by the back door man, wats up drive? Sorry Boss, dont have the time to hang around, got other deliveries to do etc. etc. (Also took the opportunity to remind him off the ‘STRICT’ 1hr turn around rule)

Anyway, got back to the DC, pulled into the office and tore off a strip for refusing to back load… Apparently, I told the back door man that the tail lift was knackered and I could not reload…

Obviously, I informed them of the exact circumstances, but was still told not to do it again, so much for support… The isotrak showed my story to be correct as far as times were concerned, but, the customer is king and a ‘training issue’ has been identified and I have had my wrists slapped… TM’s ? illegitimates or what!!

Nuff said…


The advantages of containers are,
A. They are sealed
B. The driver does not get involved in unloading
Once delivered a load of wine to Tesco Middlewich, sitting in the cab listening to the FLT rolling in a out of the box, then silence…must be finshed thinks me :sunglasses:
WRONG…OIE DRIVE :exclamation:

I mosied round to the next door bay and climbed into the warehouse and round into the box,
‘’ we’ll fetch you a pallet and you can re-stack the rest of these’’ he says pointing to the three remaining pallets of wine, all 7 feet high and leaning over due to lower cases having collapsed under the weight.

Too obvious.L.:wink:

I took a deep breath, and stretched up to my full six foot six inches and looked him in the eye.

Not My Problem…Mate. Either unload them yourselves, or reload what you’ve taken off, reseal the doors and then reject the whole box full and I’ll take it away.
I love containers :sunglasses:

try being a drayman,you,ll find that 65% of pub landlords & club stewards are the most ignorant,arrogant,[zb] on this earth.

If it needs stars to get it past the word censor, it’s not allowed. L. :wink:

The worst customer I ever had was a small co-op on Lisburn Rd, Belfast. I was delivering the daily supply of fresh bread.

The woman was ALWAYS late. She was supposed to be in at 7:30am but never arrived before 7:50am. She once said it was the ‘traffic’ holding her up. Traffic? Every day? Try getting up earlier you lazy cow!

She would arrive, see us (usually at least two motors) waiting there, and then disappear into the shop for at least 10 minutes. Wouldn’t even let us start unloading! When she did finally open the door, all she did was unlock it, not open it, so you had to keep your ears open. Her idea of ‘good morning’ was a grunt. She really was atrociously rude!

The worst part is, my next drop after hers was the hospital, and if I didn’t get there in time the patients didn’t get any breakfast. I tried explaining this to her in the hope she would start arriving on time. But no, this dizzy lazy fleabitten mongrel pusbag woman thought she was more important than them.

I stopped delivering before 11am. snickers

Bookers Sheffield. 4.5 hours to unload eight pallets. Most arrogant ■■■■ of a forklift driver you ever hoped to meet. Said to him “morning, got eight pallets for you.” Greeted with: " Well, we finish at 5.30pm." :smiling_imp: . Their were 2 rigids with a grand total of 14 pallets between them. I had a polite word with his manager when he came out to move some pallets. The last I saw of said forkie, he was just starting to chuck a mountain of rubbish away and giving me a good scowl :wink: . Told him on the way out he’d done me a favour really 'cause I’m an agency driver with plenty of hours and time and a half after eight. That and I did enjoy my free hot dinner :grimacing:. Had quite a good day today really, although I’ve been in and out of Asda at Ayelsford quicker :unamused: .

We have a driver at our place,that,basically doesn’t have any customer service skills.

For example.

If he goes to one of our customers shops,he refuses to take back empty pallets,unless they are stacked correctly,and expects the staff to put the kettle on.However,1 instance springs to mind…

He was at a shop that I go to very regularly,and haven’t had any problem with.In fact the manageress has my personal number,and if I happen to be delivering to her shop,she’ll move cars,and make sure everything’s hunky dory when I get there.
One day,said colleague,arrived,and refused to pull the pallets into the shop,(We don’t HAVE to,but good customer relations etc…) and when he had finished putting them on the tailift,he then refused to stack the pallets for return,and the ■■■■■■■ the back door,who is 2 stone wet through,got upset at his attitude,summoned the manageress,who promptly threw the pallets all over the yard,threw his paperwork out of the door,told him she was reporting him,and promptly closed the back door.

But today 1 shop got him back.

He was asked to pull the pallets in,which he did, :open_mouth: but when he asked the staff if they would stack the pallets,the manageress signed his paperwork,gave him his trailer seal,refused to stack the pallets,and promptly closed the door. :laughing: :laughing: He then had the cheek to ring us in the office to complain. :laughing: :laughing:

As the old saying goes…

What goes around,comes around.


Us and them now is it Quinny? :laughing: :laughing: :confused: .

I don’t know, i’ve never had any real issues with customers, i’ve worked in a customer facing environment in one way or another for over 12 years, i would certainly say that drivers get the raw end of the deal. I treat customers how they treat me at the end of the day just the same as anyone else who happens to step into my life.

No doubt though there will come a time when someone tries to take the michael and they’ll get just as good back!
