Curtain twitchers

There is a driver of my acquaintance who recently had to resort to hiding behind the curtains while driving due to an ugly growth on his neck. Oh yes, he also had a big, festering, spot on it as well. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

I hate you Hobbs… :smiling_imp:

You could always get one of these.

and that’s another very annoying thing. We don’t dress like that in this country. When in Rome etc.

How would they like it if i were to take a girl to their country and have her walk around in mini skirt n ■■■■ tube?

If people from other countries and religions wish to come & live here, then i accept that they may, but i repeat, when in Rome, do as Rome does.

why what do the Romans do?
what did the thr Romans ever do for us??

why what do the Romans do?
what did the thr Romans ever do for us??

Watch the film “The Life of Brian”. They explain it perfectly well in there.

I’m Brian!

i’m biggusdickus, who’s bwian

Ahh, biggusdickus from Wome, fwee Wodger!!

Just remember Mr porkifer,
whenever curtains get you down,
Always look on the bright side of life… :wink:

I’m Brian!

“he’s not the Messiah , he’s a very naughty boy” :laughing:

im bwian. wheres incontinentia buttocks :laughing: :laughing:

why what do the Romans do?
what did the thr Romans ever do for us??

They built that wall for starters.
Pity they didn’t have electricity!! :laughing:

Also, a pity they didn’t build it around East Yorkshire, too.

r slicker:
im bwian. wheres incontinentia buttocks :laughing: :laughing:

I got wid of her, weplaced her with titerus vaginus :sunglasses:


why what do the Romans do?
what did the thr Romans ever do for us??

They built that wall for starters.
Pity they didn’t have electricity!! :laughing:

Also, a pity they didn’t build it around East Yorkshire, too.

Actually the Scots built it, we used the Romans as slaves after they walked over the Welsh who were the original English at the time !!!.

dont know what the problem is with the curtains as they are not affecting the driver doing their job ive drove alot worse and trust me there is alot more vehicles out there with less visual. here is a saxon i drove in the army didnt have a problem driving that. … _UK_01.jpg

:lol: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
so i take it you are one of these curtain twitchers connor ?
so which bit of the post didnt you understand ?
and which bit of the post shows me up as the illiterate i am ?
yes you are right i have more to worry about than someone elses curtains , the price of diesel for my motor being the top one,the clowns in no 11 putting up road tax for my motor is another one
and i reckon by the response i am not the only one who has noticed the standard of driving decling rapidly in this country

Do you think Conor is ugly then and needs to hide away?

its for when they cut you up.then when you catch up to them they cant see you giving the finger{other hand gestures of your choice}the nobs

agree with the curtains, but don’t get the seat bit…

I HAVE to have the seat right back or my knees often bash the steering column or underside of the dash console, and clobber them when putting foot from floor to clutch. Just a fact of life, I need the space.
I lean forward to check blind spots, and to look backward etc when moving off and changing lanes, so why is seat position a problem to anyone else? :question:

Or do you mean the back support section of the seat, not the actual seat… ?

The people who moan about curtains are only jealous cos they dont drive nice tasty trucks to put some in. And yes i’ve got the spotlights as well, all ten of them.

The people who moan about curtains are only jealous cos they dont drive nice tasty trucks to put some in. And yes i’ve got the spotlights as well, all ten of them.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Glory-boy alert !

Oh dear. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

The people who moan about curtains are only jealous cos they dont drive nice tasty trucks to put some in. And yes i’ve got the spotlights as well, all ten of them.

Do you have a smaller than average ■■■■■? :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley: