Curtain cutters caught :):)

I pulled in to Blyth services this morning 4 am for a 45 to find a copper walking about with his torch looking at trucks, eventually he stopped at a Willi Betz that had had its curtain cut at the back , i sauntered up to him for a chat and he told me that they had caught someone with some bottles of wine and he had now found where they had come from .

3 cheers fo the boys in blue for catching the culprits and also finding where they had commited the crime, i was only there for 45 mins so didnt see the whole outcome but i was pleased that they didnt knock the drivers up, they appeared to be sat waiting for something maybe for them to wake up i dont know?.

After 20 minutes there was 3 Police cars there with 2 men in each car all sat chatting and possibly about to make it a crime scene, just one moan though, theres drivers sleeping in their trucks all over the place so it might have been an idea TO SWITCH THE ■■■■■■■ DIESEL ENGINES OFF IN THEIR CARS!!! that were running all the time they were there.

Apart from that well done the boys in blue.