csa arrears

they 've written to me
the gist is
we know you honour the agreement to pay your arrears at £50 a month but you still owe £ 11641
they now want it paid off in 2 years thats £485 pm
if i dont agree its prison or they could take my driving licence off me
oh and they have a charge against my house so when i commit sucide they get my money :smiley:

Whilst I think that their powers are somewhat draconian exacrtly how did you get to owe that much ■■? :open_mouth:

It’s not hard to get bill’s like that from the C.S.A. they are so slow at sorting things out .
when they wrote to Steve they wanted 4600.00 in one go and then it was something like 100.00 a week on top and then they took everything into account including the chid benefit for the children steve and I had together ( although they don’t now) any money I earnt and they don’t even take into account any outgoings you have before they want there cut so basically you pay them and are supposed to live of what’s left :unamused: :unamused:


they 've written to me
the gist is
we know you honour the agreement to pay your arrears at £50 a month but you still owe £ 11641
they now want it paid off in 2 years thats £485 pm
if i dont agree its prison or they could take my driving licence off me
oh and they have a charge against my house so when i commit sucide they get my money :smiley:

The CSA can’t send you to prison, nor take your driving license from you. They can apply for these things through a court though. I would say it is tactics to frighten you into paying more and faster. Just put in writing to them telling then what you will pay or confirming what you do. If you are paying something it is highly unlikely (although not impossible) they can take you to court for “not paying fast enough”.

Well its a long story but I’ll try and shorten it :laughing: :laughing:

I parted from my first wife back in 1989 after 8 years and 2 kids, Moving in with Val my Wife, I went to Court and agreed £40 per month Maintainance and everybody was happy, then in 1992 the CSA came on the scene, I recieved a letter saying no more money had to be paid to the Court as that was Now Null & Void and they had re-assessed me to pay to the tune of £95 per week out of my £175 take home wage :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Needless to say I disputed it and was told to pay up regardless, so I jacked in my job of 9 years and went on the dole, simply because I could not afford to go to work having £80 per week to pay my £30 rent my gas electric, travel to work etc etc etc, when I registered I was only give £7.50 pw income support despite the Social agreeing it was stupidity the CSA expecting that much for 2 kids.

After a few days I started with the fiddle driving, after all, I had to put money in the pot and food on the table, I then took on a full time job, ignoring the CSA until they caught up with me which resulted in a letter coming stating that with effect of next week I would find an attachment of earnings order against my wage, so I packed the job in and went back on the dole for a few weeks then back into employment again, Some may agree some may disagree but at the end of the day, My kids were getting clothes, spending money etc whenever they needed it and were not going short, it was my ex wife I objected to getting the money as the kids would not of seen any of it.

Finally after a lot of Dodging, the CSA caught up with me again in 1998 and I spoke to them in the local Social Security Office, they claimed I owed £30,000 which I simply said to them, get me a bucket and I’ll give you my blood as I aint got the cash for you, we had a few arguments as they claimed I’d been in full time employment since 1992 I told them to check with the Dole and they would see otherwise, anyway, after around 1 hr of debating, I was asked to make an offer of what I would accept as being fair that I owed them, we finally agreed on £2500 payable at £35 per month however I did pay extra when I could afford it to clear off the debt, then I understood it was paid off in June 2000.

Out of the Blue last August came a summons for County Court from the CSA who claimed I owed £632 :open_mouth: :open_mouth: so yet another argument erupted, but as I had not kept the letter saying it was cleared I ended up having to pay that :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Make sure you keep all letters from the CSA regardless how trivial they may be, because they try their damnest to get every last penny out of you, what really annoyed me about them was the fact they were started to catch the fathers who were not paying for their keeds, not the ones who were paying, It was easy money for them to go straight after the ones with Court Agreements.

I have one friend who has 4 kids and her ex only pays £5 per week for the eldest despite being the father of all 4, yet when she tells the CSA that he is the father they refuse to listen to her :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: And he has a very well paid job and has no intentions of supporting his kids.

easy by not knowing where my ex wife and kids where
origanal i was to pay until 2018

Try www.nacsa.co.uk, life savers they are.
There are both Parents with care and non resident parents on there, all with the correct opinion that ANYBODY subject to csa action is subject to government approved abuse.
There are no winners with the csa, and certainly not the kids.
There is one guy on there who used to work for the csa, quite senior as well, but he’s better now.
NACSA know the CS Act better than the csa.