I have an oil leak, which I think is the front crankshaft oil seal. I’ve taken the truck off the road because I think it’s dangerous to other road users, particularly motorcyclists.
Renault are going to steam it all off tomorrow and run it up to make sure, but I’ve had a look and I’m 90% sure that that is what it is. Has anyone had to replace one, if so how much did the job cost/ how long did it take?
If it’s a Renault engine I have done one , it’s a major job , parts are t expensive but lots of hours , probably two days work
If it’s a Renault engine I have done one , it’s a major job , parts are t expensive but lots of hours , probably two days work
It is the Renault 13 litre engine, and that it exactly what I thought, a couple of days’ work. I’ll just pop off now and slit my wrists. 
This below is how the men from the ministry decide whether an oil leak is serious or not. There are obviously other considerations about whether the engine is going to come to any harm or will it get a lot worse suddenly, apart from your public spirited concerns. It may well not be anything like as serious as you fear, it will have been blown around everywhere by the fan so a small leak makes a lot of mess.
There are repair sleeves commercially available (speedi-sleeves) if the pulley is grooved, so you should not necessarily have to buy a new pulley. It is a time consuming job virtually whatever make of lorry it is.
page 87 oil and waste leaks
gov.uk/government/uploads/s … efects.pdf
I bought a Volvo engined magnum and a month later it threw a belt and the belt pushed the crank seal out , you mustn’t run it it loses way to much oil , I guess you have spotted it by now , it is a lot of bits to take on and off but I did mine in my yard on a pair of sleepers cos I couldn’t be bothered to low loaded it to the workshop ! It’s not technically difficult just lots of bits
If the Rad etc has to come out -Nightmare
It’s air con rad out intercooler out radiator out fan pulley off Crank pulley off timing cover off replace and refit to be honest if your half about do it yourself but it’s a lot of climbing up
And dowm
I see your back on the road did you repair it yourself or get a garage to do it and I’d
If so how much did it cost pls
I see your back on the road did you repair it yourself or get a garage to do it and I’d
If so how much did it cost pls
KTS steamed the engine off, then ran it for a couple of hours, and decided that it wasn’t as bad as it first appeared and didn’t need immediate action so they are just going to monitor it at inspections. So I suppose that saved me an eye-watering repair bill. Whether I do get it repaired when it needs to, or replace the truck, or sell up and move on to something else is something I still haven’t decided yet, it’s a bit dependent on exterior forces at the time.
Might just be the oil was a bit over-generously topped up.
Well that’s good news , it’s not too difficult just lots of bits of and on
Own Account Driver:
Might just be the oil was a bit over-generously topped up.
No, the oil’s about half way up the stick, it definitely is leaking somewhere and I personally think it’s the front crankshaft seal, I guess it just takes the six weeks between inspections for enough to leak out to show up. I’m just wiping the front of the sump with some kitchen towel every week to make sure no oil makes its way onto the road, and I’ll just muddle on for now and see if it gets any worse.
Should this leak become worrying it would be worthwhile getting the dealer to check over the crankcase breathing system before spending any serious dosh. Before engines had closed circuit breathing systems the quickest way to find a difficult to locate oil leak was to block off the breather pipe for a couple of minutes and watch for the source.
Right, I’ve had the cab over and had a good look now, and I don’t think it’s coming from the crankcase, it seems to be coming out of the wiring loom at the front of the rocker cover, which I have previously been told is a known problem with Magnums.
Hopefully it’s just not sealing properly anymore. If the rocker cover is overpressuring, as I’m sure you’re aware, the causes range from a simple blocked breather to the much more serious.