Crack on to macon the return

cant remember his name bob think he done the yard■■?

this another vic had sent me :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

is that you dominic{tyrone}or your brother :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

bob, i seem to recall that daf was driven by Mac, last seen masquerading as an AA patrolman. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

That picture was taken at Peronne services when Alan Laine was driving it!
Welsh Brian (Blodwin) had it after Alan then it dissapeared.
As you said Bob Ian had some old photo’s of the Fiat & a few 88s


That Wellcome truck sparked a few memories, used to see them about quite abit in the 80`s.

They were based over Dartford way, I applied for a job but there was nothing going at the time (1989-90). It was supposed to be one of the better paying driving jobs around, pulling pharmacuticals around Europe.

Did they do quite a bit to Swiss?? or was it Holland?? :blush:

Co driver with donkey Catania 86

Just a few more loads Bob. 10 pages comming soon

Alan what the hell was that in the back of that trailer :question: and also that
is a pony pretending its a donkey Don would not have been impressed. :confused: :confused:

My first F88 working for Roy Palmer in Barking Essex he was a ex
Sammy Williams driver but my time with him was not a happy one
he treated me rather badly but thats another storey photo’s taken
near Colmar France :wink: :wink:

My Leyland Lynx D Sulley’s Brixton it was only plated for 24ton’s but i used
to pull trailers out of Felixstowe with it and they were so heavy i had
trouble stopping the ■■■■ thing when i look back i must of been mad :unamused:

Ronnie Hunt’s FH12 France 1999

Sorry Bob i was told it was groupage. Same as when i got to Aosta the first time and the man asks for T form, so i said whats that :laughing: My daughter still has the donkey ,strange thing is she likes to run at epsom every year, still keeps the house in sunindale going

J plate Bob whats that a 71. somewhere i have a question mark but now i,m on crossroads low date guinness £10 for 24 i can,t seeeeeeeeeee

toothpick johnny:
J plate Bob whats that a 71. somewhere i have a question mark but now i,m on crossroads low date guinness £10 for 24 i can,t seeeeeeeeeee

something like that he got it from Calor Gas they sold a load of them
and i think every one in Essex bought one coz they were all over the place.
yer up late got a beer for me :question:

Hi Bob back last night from saarlouis and cologne loading trafford park sunday for holland so yes tonight is my thursday night. A beer for you always or should i say a tray , what you drinking these days. Had an invite a few weeks ago from suffolk Bob to go to Kent last weekend .I thought we,d end up hop picking but the chance to see maybe you rusty etc i said ok . anyway the saturday before i went to Valancia sat a few days loaded 2 pick ups in France friday got home 05 00 sat total tolls for the week 23 euros and bob was busy with his grandchildren sunday and i was busy in bed. So i,m here trying to clear 24 cans before they expire in august. Bob let me know what your drinking i,ll be happy to pick a tin or 2 up for you. [no money will change hands and no vat will be charged and import duties will be paid upfront direct to HMC and i may be in the Philippines at the time of this posting] anyway Bob i,m here for a bit longer. I do have a text for you a joke 1 i,ll try and send it tomorrow .Ciao Alan


I have 1 more photo of the very young blond guy . its for sale starting at £100

She had a stop sign and ignored it and the fully loaded tipper just carried on

some me dad took i dont know ware tho :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush:

sorry last two a bit blurry

poor photo i chopped the front end off the reg was cvw536t

found a front end shot of it :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Vic and Dave Ridge at Senlis peage Dave got a blow out right at the
toll booth so me and Vic stayed with him as you did in those days so
we had a few beers and waited for the tyre man :wink: :wink: :wink:

For those of you who dont know this boat was in a field next to the
motorway going down to Paris, i have no idea how it got there but
every time i went past it i used to wonder what the storey was behind
it’s presence in that field. i always said that when i went past and the
boat was no longer there that would be my last trip, well it was there
when i did my last trip in December 1999 and i wonder is it still there now :question:
anybody know :question: :confused: