CPC Right or Wrong?

I have read this with interest and it makes me smile at the “two sides of the coin” arguments.

I fess up and confirm I do DCPC training for the company I work for. The first year all drivers had the same opinion as most on here. Whats the point, load of ■■■■■■■■, cant teach me nowt, etc etc.

We are now on year 3 and I am tired of drivers asking me the same question. “When are we doing the next course ? really enjoyed the others and learn’t something”

We have 90+ drivers and not one complains about it anymore.

You only get out of these things what you put in. Put nowt in … get nowt out.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2

I have read this with interest and it makes me smile at the “two sides of the coin” arguments.

I fess up and confirm I do DCPC training for the company I work for. The first year all drivers had the same opinion as most on here. Whats the point, load of ■■■■■■■■, cant teach me nowt, etc etc.

We are now on year 3 and I am tired of drivers asking me the same question. “When are we doing the next course ? really enjoyed the others and learn’t something”

We have 90+ drivers and not one complains about it anymore.

You only get out of these things what you put in. Put nowt in … get nowt out.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2

I take it you’ve heard of Mandy Rice-Davies?


I have read this with interest and it makes me smile at the “two sides of the coin” arguments.

I fess up and confirm I do DCPC training for the company I work for. The first year all drivers had the same opinion as most on here. Whats the point, load of ■■■■■■■■, cant teach me nowt, etc etc.

We are now on year 3 and I am tired of drivers asking me the same question. “When are we doing the next course ? really enjoyed the others and learn’t something”

We have 90+ drivers and not one complains about it anymore.

You only get out of these things what you put in. Put nowt in … get nowt out.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2

I take it you’ve heard of Mandy Rice-Davies?


Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2

Happy Keith:
‘…Please someone save us from this undemocratically mandated EU twaddle :exclamation:…’

‘…I’m sorry to hear your course was crap. People may wish all this would just go away but it’s not … it’s a directive that’s been put into place over the entire EU and the Cpc is just our way of dealing with it… I intend to … make it work for me…’

I didn’t write that it was ‘…crap…’ but inferred that it was unnecessary, expensive and of little benefit to those of us working solely in Britain for British purposes. I have no intention of being a jack of all trades for supposed employment use throughout the whole of Europe - as I suspect are many others.

Meanwhile, we British were appeasers during the 1930’s when some Germans made ‘…it work…’ for them, when they were being mandated under their (similar?) circumstances in that time.

This time Britain is once more appeasing what foreigners think best for the federalist ideals of others with the difference being that we are significantly funding their ambition to the tune of £48,000,000 per day.

Where’s the difference - other than the UK contributing ‘Baroness’ Ashton to the undemocratic EU regime as the highest paid, non-elected ‘Foreign Minister’ in the world?

Ive done it, its pants. 50 ways to get the sack followed by 50 ways to go to prison, I think it will put new drivers off investing in taking there tests. All i hope for is it pushes drivers wages up.

Could any of the new entrants to the commercial driving game tell us how long and how much it cost them to jump through all of the hoops to get to Class 2.?I mean cost of provisional licence, cost of medical ,price for theory tests ,hazard perception etc and initial DCPC then practical driving test.How long does it take nowadays and how much do you earn as a result.I think that the answers to my questions would interest some of the grey beards on here.

Could any of the new entrants to the commercial driving game tell us how long and how much it cost them to jump through all of the hoops to get to Class 2.?I mean cost of provisional licence, cost of medical ,price for theory tests ,hazard perception etc and initial DCPC then practical driving test.How long does it take nowadays and how much do you earn as a result.I think that the answers to my questions would interest some of the grey beards on here.

Its taken me almost 3 months what with waiting for the test dates ect. Its cost me about £1600 with all of the above. And as a result I am still waiting for a start date from someone!
All together to go from car to class 1 (have to wait another 2 months for that aswell!) its cost just over £3000, including all of the above, & extra 14 hrs cpc & pass protection for a fast retest if needed, and so far still no perm job!


Could any of the new entrants to the commercial driving game tell us how long and how much it cost them to jump through all of the hoops to get to Class 2.?I mean cost of provisional licence, cost of medical ,price for theory tests ,hazard perception etc and initial DCPC then practical driving test.How long does it take nowadays and how much do you earn as a result.I think that the answers to my questions would interest some of the grey beards on here.

Its taken me almost 3 months what with waiting for the test dates ect. Its cost me about £1600 with all of the above. And as a result I am still waiting for a start date from someone!
All together to go from car to class 1 (have to wait another 2 months for that aswell!) its cost just over £3000, including all of the above, & extra 14 hrs cpc & pass protection for a fast retest if needed, and so far still no perm job!

And after all that, you still will only earn just over national minimum wage if you do get a job

I am here: tapatalk.com/map.php?smnymx
It’s not theirs anymore,
This is our England now.

So what at least I will be earning money instead of sponging off the goverment?

So what at least I will be earning money instead of sponging off the goverment?

don’t take any notice.
some may work for minimum wage. but i don’t personally know any driver worth his salt that does.

Thanks for your reply HGV HGV You obviously want to work in this industry ,I hope that your commitment pays off soon.There is a site called jobsrapido that sometimes comes up with vacancies if you register well you might be lucky.To the cynics who say that they are going to stack shelves ,I wish you luck because there are not enough shelves to go around, a bit like steering wheels.

Thanks for your reply HGV HGV You obviously want to work in this industry ,I hope that your commitment pays off soon.There is a site called jobsrapido that sometimes comes up with vacancies if you register well you might be lucky.To the cynics who say that they are going to stack shelves ,I wish you luck because there are not enough shelves to go around, a bit like steering wheels.

Haha very well said mate! Too many people who slag the buisness and the pay off, but dont realise just how ■■■■ ing lucky they are to have a job!

So what at least I will be earning money instead of sponging off the goverment?

But you’ve not got a driving job, so what are you doing?

At least I “Will Be”■■? As in the future? Right now I am claiming off the goverment funnily enough. TO be fair I have been in full time employment since the age of 15 so I dont see it as sponging, god knows I have paid more than my fair share of tax and ni over the years!

At least I “Will Be”■■? As in the future? Right now I am claiming off the goverment funnily enough. TO be fair I have been in full time employment since the age of 15 so I dont see it as sponging, god knows I have paid more than my fair share of tax and ni over the years!

So, because you’ve been working since you where 15, it’s not classed as sponging! But if a driver who has been working 20+ years decides not to take this joke of a qualification, will he be a scrounger?
Get a grip

I am here: tapatalk.com/map.php?sdg3e1
It’s not theirs anymore,
This is our England now.

The trouble with the shelf stacking argument is that you only get 30 hours a week in a supermarket. You can’t make a living wage out of it by doing a load of hours and adding bonuses and night out money. Personally I think that the people who look at the take home rather than the hourly rate are a bit daft and the whole low rate for max hours needs to change but it will never happen. As for CPC it needs work to get the best out of it but if it reduces the number of drivers chasing jobs than it could be a good thing for those willing to engage with it. The only trouble is I suspect the flow of immigrant labour will not dry up. I can see it now, the Poles will be making sure they are up to date with their hours because there is plenty of work in Britain that the natives don’t want. Thanks lads.

Happy Keith:

Happy Keith:
‘…Please someone save us from this undemocratically mandated EU twaddle :exclamation:…’

‘…I’m sorry to hear your course was crap. People may wish all this would just go away but it’s not … it’s a directive that’s been put into place over the entire EU and the Cpc is just our way of dealing with it… I intend to … make it work for me…’

I didn’t write that it was ‘…crap…’ but inferred that it was unnecessary, expensive and of little benefit to those of us working solely in Britain for British purposes. I have no intention of being a jack of all trades for supposed employment use throughout the whole of Europe - as I suspect are many others.

Meanwhile, we British were appeasers during the 1930’s when some Germans made ‘…it work…’ for them, when they were being mandated under their (similar?) circumstances in that time.

This time Britain is once more appeasing what foreigners think best for the federalist ideals of others with the difference being that we are significantly funding their ambition to the tune of £48,000,000 per day.

Where’s the difference - other than the UK contributing ‘Baroness’ Ashton to the undemocratic EU regime as the highest paid, non-elected ‘Foreign Minister’ in the world?

Sorry for saying its crap, it’s a word a use lightly and if i thought something was “unnecessary, expensive and of little benefit” I would call it crap.

I understand what your saying and you are right, but we are in the EU and I’m guessing that the decision came about when we thought it would benefit us with regards to trade and such more than the money we are putting in.

Although we may work solely in the UK the EU has great amounts of influence on what we do today.

This has gone a tad off topic… All I’m really saying is you can’t get out of it (legally unless you have an exemption) so rather than fight it, try and find the best ways of making it benifit you. Maybe with new courses and training providers listening to their customers and improving existing ones.

‘…[T]he decision came about when we thought it would benefit us…’

That isn’t wholly true because it was clerical administrators on foreign soil that undemocratically drafted & mandated the significantly inappropriate CPC.

We had no representation with this major sea-change other than to blindly follow the often tribally approved but nastily connived approval of the Lib/Lab/Con’s during elections within which fewer & fewer are participating as more & more within this ‘diverse’ foul-up of the Former UK (*UK?) display disenfranchised indifference.

Therefore, my response to the question ‘…CPC Right or Wrong?..’ is a Big No.

Happy Keith:
That isn’t wholly true because it was clerical administrators on foreign soil that undemocratically drafted & mandated the significantly inappropriate CPC.

I realise there are some here who have pretty firm views on the European Union.

Whatever your view, it is important to realise that the Commission doesn’t have the power to dream up a proposal which automatically becomes law. The Member States and the MEPs have a considerable amount of power in the ordinary legislative process which, following the implementation of the Treaty of Lisbon, is used for the majority of EU legislation.

The ordinary legislative process is quite complicated, but a good explanation can be found here. The legally authoritative text is in Article 294 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. The official EU page on the ordinary legislative process can be found here.

‘…The [EU] legislative process is quite complicated, but a good explanation can be found here. The legally authoritative text is in Article 294 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. The official EU page on the ordinary legislative process can be found here…’

Oh, that’s alright then, silly me…

Where is it factored-in that a sizeable percentage of ‘ordinary, hardworking British wage-slaves’ are left cold and disenfranchised from the federal dreams of swivel-chair bound bureaucrats in Brussels dictating stuff behind our backs that is too often without either consultation with us or having British interests at heart?

Hence the DCPC remains morally, ethically & democratically wrong :neutral_face: